oem frame hiders | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oem frame hiders


Explorer Addict
March 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Sneads Ferry, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Excursion PSD
Does anybody have OEM frame hiders for sale or preferably for trade? id be interested in trading for my OEM running boards

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I am intrigued. :scratch:

What are these frame hiders you speak of? :dunno:

Here are my factory running boards:


i have those same running boards, however i dont like the look of running boards or even the tubular nerf bars...so im looking for the frame hiders that came on some ex's instead of running boards

theyre simply plastic shades that hang down to cover the frame below the truck

HHmm interesting, never seen them before. have to pay more attention to the local police explorers to see what they have.

Most xls models have them instead of running boards. I've even see them on 06+ xls models....

HHmm interesting, never seen them before. have to pay more attention to the local police explorers to see what they have.

Most xls models have them instead of running boards. I've even see them on 06+ xls models....

I have never seen these before. Maybe I did and just didn't notice because I didn't know what I was looking at or looking for. I will keep my eyes peeled. :eek:

Kazer, have you tried the junk yards?

Yeah I look everytime I go but the trucks that have them are sitting on their frames and the frame hiders are always beat up from the fork lifts

2006 xls


Does anybody know where I could buy these....or what the technical name for them is?

Pardon me if I jump in, but I'm currently doing rust repair on my rockers on my 02 Limited. I have running boards & will reinstall them. I believe the rust will be back in a couple of years, and was wondering if there are plastic or fiberglass rockers that can replace the metal.

Pardon me if I jump in, but I'm currently doing rust repair on my rockers on my 02 Limited. I have running boards & will reinstall them. I believe the rust will be back in a couple of years, and was wondering if there are plastic or fiberglass rockers that can replace the metal.

find a junked exploder with ugly xlt trim on it like mine and adhere them overtop of the rust? out of sight out of mind lol
