2009 Ford Explorer wheel specifications | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2009 Ford Explorer wheel specifications


New Member
October 8, 2011
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third rock from the Sun
I'm new here and I've done a search for stock wheel specs for a 2009 Explorer. What I'm looking for is the backspacing on the stock 18x7.5" wheels and I couldn't find it listed here. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide this info. I'm trying to see if the stock steel wheels (used for the spare) will fit another vehicle. I've done a Google search and have come up empty. Thank you in advance.

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The most accurate way to get the offset requires access to the wheel. It is stamped on the inside of the rim. Here's the steel spare on my '07, showing a 17" x 7.5 and a 44mm Offset (inset). Your 18" may be different...


The most accurate way to get the offset requires access to the wheel. It is stamped on the inside of the rim. Here's the steel spare on my '07, showing a 17" x 7.5 and a 44mm Offset (inset). Your 18" may be different...


I don't have the wheels right now, I was hoping to have more info before buying them. Thanks for the info.

In order not to alter the stance of the vehicle, I would bet you that it is 44mm on the 18" rim too, since it is also 7.5" wide. As the width of the rim is in direct relation to the offset, anything other than 44mm would change the geometry and the look, and therefore not likely something Ford would have done. I understand your "need to know", I went through the same process when I changed my wheel/tire setup. It took me a couple of months to pull the trigger :)

Is the other vehicle a early gen Explorer?

My OEM 18" take-off wheels/tires from my 2007 went onto a 3rd generation Explorer, no problems.

Thanks for the information. Sorry I haven't gotten back sooner. The other vehicle is actually a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria. I wanted to go to a 18" steel wheel (not offered) instead of a 17" wheel. I am looking at purchasing an Explorer in the near future. I'm interested in a 2002 or later model, not sure what year specifically though. Thank you all again for the information and I look forward to posting soon.
