Opinions on Fog Light brands | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Opinions on Fog Light brands


Active Member
February 18, 2012
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2005 Sport Trac XLT 4x4
I'm looking to get Fogs for my Bull Bar. 5"-6" round type with the stone(grille) guards. I don't go off-roading so the lights are more for cosmetics and normal driving use. No need to be super extremely bright or anything.
I've noticed most people go with KC or PIAA, but very costly for what I want them for. What are your thoughts on Pilot brand? Do you get what you pay for? lol. I do want them to be long lasting and have a good/tight mount and not wobble all around. So if anyone can help with my decision I'd appreciate it...Thanks!!

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problem i had with pilot is there mounts are not super great they move a lil more than KC or PIAA also it is near impossible to find pilot in any wattage over 55watts so no more brighter than you low beams. where as PIAA and KC average 100 watts which is around 40 watts brighter than your high beams. me personally i would rather have the brighter ones for the fact that they will illuminate the road better than my own headlights

whats your budget range?

problem is that the round lights are generally more costly than the square ones. You can go the cheap route if you want to buy all the wiring and fuses yourself but the whole kit as one is going to run you $100-$180

I recommend these



and if you're willing to go square to save on some $$$ I would go with these


I like the Westin 6" circle lights

Thanks guys!

I'm not too concerned if they're not brighter than my headlights, I don't need them for lighting up a 4-wheelin trail or anything. And I definately like the look of the round ones better.

Soon2bSick, I really like those KC's for $119. I'd have no problem spending that. I must've missed those when I searched Amazon, cuz all I saw were the mad-expensive ones.

I have seen this kit from Pilot on there that does come with all the wireing etc.
http://www.amazon.com/Pilot-Perform...09MK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335730791&sr=8-1 These were the ones I was looking at, but because they are so cheap in price I wanted to know how cheap they were in quality too.

Pjibs, your Westin link takes me to a 'Westin Hotels' webpage lol.

Pjibs, your Westin link takes me to a 'Westin Hotels' webpage lol.

Its a link put in by an advertising site... forum has to make money somehow :D

but it got me too lol.

if youre looking for decent lights at a cheaper price, check out the pro comp lights. they arent the best, but they look decent, work decent and dont cost a grip.

Also, pilot lights are generally illegal on the streets. I had some on my rear bumper for aux lighting but had to take em off so my truck would pass inspection... Kind of a pain in the a$$ to do every year. Most cops won't say anything about them though.

Also, pilot lights are generally illegal on the streets. I had some on my rear bumper for aux lighting but had to take em off so my truck would pass inspection... Kind of a pain in the a$$ to do every year. Most cops won't say anything about them though.

Really? That's wierd. What would make them illegal and not the other brands?

I asked the same question. If you look closely they don't have a DOT stamp anywhere on the glass or housing, making them illegal. My guess is because they skip the process of making them street legal allows them to sell them at such low prices compared to the really good lights. So it's not as much making them illegal as it is not making them legal. I'm not really sure the difference though and until I accidentally ripped them off while off roading one day I really liked them and they held up well.

Here are my Westins 09-0505 haha

I like the look of those pjibs. How is the durability? Does the bracket keep them nice and tight (no wobbling)?


I see wobbling when I take bumps at a high rate of speed............ hehe but no I got them at the beginning of the summer and have not needed to re-tighten them. The lens guard is a SNUG fit and light itself just feels well made. That sounds weird, but it is not like cheapy plastic if ya know what I mean. The also penetrate much further than my head lights.

Amazon has them for $105 like every other month. I plan on getting... if the money starts flowing again... 4 more for the roof rack

Just an update. I was all set to order a set of KC Apollo 5" lights from amazon. Before ordering i decided to do another search for deals and glad I did. I ended up getting a set of PIAA 4" lights (see link below) for less than the KC's. They were $108 ($146 off!!). I couldn't pass them up and I think 4" will be a better size due to my bull bars' limit on what size lights will fit in the opening. I'll post pics after the install.


Thats a steal! Now I gotta fight the urge to order them because Im saving for tires and wheels :(

Here's a pic of the fogs installed. I love these, looks killer imo. Very solid construction and they look great when on at night. They mounted nice and sturdy, no wobbling/shaking. Thanks everyone for your suggestions allowing me to research different brands.


I agree that looks sweet! And great find with the deal.
