Question on laws regaurding Snorkels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question on laws regaurding Snorkels


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
originaly Buckholts, Texas / Stationed at Ft. Bragg NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer
I did a google search and didnt find exactly what I was looking for. Does anyone know the laws in North Carolina and Texas regauding Snorkel kits? I am planing to build a kit for my 96 Explorer and wanteed to know if the truck will still be legal.

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Well I can tell you about the laws in Jersey, being some of the toughest in the country other than California. The snorkel is legal here as long as it doesn't protrude out further than any stock part of the vehicle and no emissions controls are altered to install it. So that being said I've never heard of anyone being hassled by the Man for a snorkel, and I've seen some pretty shall we say interesting installs too.

Thanks, I just wanted to make sure. I had heard a while back from a freind that it was illegal in texas but i saw them everywhere. I think he just did want me to have one cause it would be better then his truck.

No problem. Here's a couple shots of mine, the install looks pretty clean I think.




1st pic is full length/off rod, 2nd pic is daily driver mode, 3rd is just how/where it exits the fender.

Ah yes, a hydrolock prevention device. I was thinking of doing a reverse hood scoop but I'm not sure how it will do in heavy rain.

Yeah wasn't sure how much I'd really use it, but better safe than hydrolocked-er-sorry! On the first run after I installed it a guy with a full size GMC pick up who had been saying all day how he never gets stuck and would pull anyone out who got stuck, sunk, and hydro-locked the motor. So at that point I was glad I did it.

By the way, love the sig, and your old avatar. Hank's my hero!

Yea I had a experence like that back with my 83 bronco. This guy had a 84 K5 and was bragging all day on friday bout how he just got done spending 10k on his drivetrain and suspension, he was dogging on me bout my bronco being stock hieght and just sitting on 31/10.50/15Rs. next day he was towing it home after blowing his trans going up a hillclimb. Just to get payback i took him for a ride and went up the hill no problem in 4x4H pissed him off. But Karma got me I sunk my truck the next day and had to have a silverado pull me out had to do a full tune up and drain all fluids just to get it running agian in the feild. but still runs strong to this day. That experence though is what has made me want a snorkel kit for my Explorer i dont want to have to worry bout hyrolocking and haveing to dump everything right there. by the way albi I cant view your pics on this Computer at work I'll try to get on mine when i get home.
