pirelli scorpion atr | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pirelli scorpion atr


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July 21, 2011
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2001 Sport Trac
I was wanting to know if anyone has used these tires. (pirelli scorpion atr) I have read a bunch of reviews and they are about half and half. Some say that they are good and they like them and others say they suck in the snow and such.

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I have heard a lot of bad opinions on the ride quality and wear on Pirellis. Seems they're only selling tires based on their name. No personal experience, though, so take it for what it's worth (maybe .02).

Pirelli makes a pretty good passenger "car" tire but I've been told by friends and family that their light truck tires aren't that great.

When I had my Trac stock and even after the TT, SL I ran Bridgestone Deuller APT III's, they redesigned them and call them Deulller APT IV's now I believe but they were awesome in all weather and driving conditions. I put 40k miles on them, sold them at just under have treads to my cousin who put them on his Chevy 1500 4wd and got another 16k out of them before they were at the wear line.

I've heard great things about the Bridgestone Revo's as well. I'm running Goodyear DuraTrac's now and I love them. Also look at the General Grabber AT2's awesome tires and I was gonna get them but found the GY's cheaper in my size I needed.

I have had terrible luck with Pirelli tires. Poor wear, lousy ride, extreme noise all with a high price. I would not recommend.

Well I ended up getting Toyo open country 265/75 r16. At a really good price just need to find a nice 16 inch wheel to go along with them other than the stock ones

This is too late obviously but I have had the ATRs (31x10.5) for a year and a half (20k) rotated regularly and balanced and they're a great tire. Barely have shown any wear. Good in snow, gravel hills, I can go through standing water at 50-60 and it doesn't hydroplane at all. Not too loud at highway speeds either. They look just like the Revo's from Bridgestone.

Hey BlackST have you ever felt a vibration in your steering wheel when you got them? Ever since ive changed from Michelin LTX MS tires to Pirelli Scorpion ATR ive felt a different very small vibration nothing major and have had tires balanced good couple times

Hankook Dynapro at....I love em great tire for a good price.

I thought you had highway tires tyler, LOL

Hankook Dynapro at....I love em great tire for a good price.

Agree 100%. Try to find a bad review about them and you can't. Looks great, rides great, wears great, and the price is really hard to beat.

Getting new ones steve loll! before winter sets in! I was suggesting a good tire....lol

Ahh, gotcha! Yeah the dynapro atm rf10s are excellent in rain and snow, theyre not too bad with cleaning mud out of the lugs
