Anyone want to pay $6200.00 for a 98 with a salvaged title, lol? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone want to pay $6200.00 for a 98 with a salvaged title, lol?


Explorer Addict
October 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Watertown, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997, 99 and 2000 5.0's

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It is a Saleen. That more than doubles it's value.

Wouldn't mind having some parts off it but overall it looks like a pos

Can't even register a salvage title vehicle here in CT without a complete inspection including providing all receipts for parts used, and titles to donor major component vehicles. In fact, the wheels can't even touch the ground before this happens-trailer or flatbed only. So, that being said, I'll wait until they strip it for parts lol.


Looks like a POS? Shee, I sure hope you never see my explorer, lol. Looks like aside from being a little dirty under the hood its not too bad for a car of its age. I'd say it's in decent shape for its age, and decently low miles to be that old.

Pos is strong I guess cause it would fit in with the five second gens in my driveway but for 6200 it needs to be mint. The only things on it that I find interesting are under the hood.

"It's a factory supercharged 5.0 liter or 302 with close to 300 hp"

"5.0L 302Cu. In. V8 GAS OHV Naturally Aspirated"


Still too much, but I would like the block and super charger...

I doubt the motor is any different other than the charger setup. I could be wrong but my experience with saleen is that its all bolt on crap with a big price tag. For example my friends ( brothers) bought a set of 03 stangs from a guy who was going bankrupt. A cobra and a saleen. The saleen on there first trip to U.S.13 dragway snapped an axle mostly due to the m/h slicks he threw on. No biggie we have plenty. That is till we get it home and open it up and its a freakin open 28 spline 3:08. I laughed and looked the car over and it was just a base v8 car with some do dads on it and a little blower on top. And its best time was in the high 13s. Saleen stuff doesn't impress me, the super charger setup is the only thing I would want .

POS????? I sure hope yours is that good looking. My 96 looks OK, but not near that good. I guess some have super high standards.

POS????? I sure hope yours is that good looking. My 96 looks OK, but not near that good. I guess some have super high standards.

Honestly yea mine are that bad. Take away the saleen stuff and its any second Gen you see goin down the road. Look at Dono's new ride or Joe dirt 's and then look back at this one and look at the price. By those standards and it being a saleen it should be better for the money even though im not big on saleen stuff. Oh im also looking at it on an android tablet with alot of zoom so im seeing alot of flaws.

I was going to look at it as it is relatively close but it has a history of frame damage. So that and it's current state have made me lose interest. There's a few other examples for sale for similar money that are in much better shape.



CF hood seems to have also gone missing.

Lol that's what my mounty looked like when i got it.

well, that's a POS in my book, and yes i do have high standards. the one i scrapped last month looked better than that (the white one in my photo album) and i called that one a POS.

the one I see on the ebay listing and the one on here aint the same vehicle. The one on here I wouldn't tow home if you gave it to me.

Its the same one those pics of the wreck are the before and the ebay pics are the after. Hence the salvage title. I think its worth maybe 3000 because of what it is ( or was) but probably more in parts.

Ive learned something new. Saleen Explorer? Usually a nice SUV. Stylish. What is the stock HP and torque?

I would never spend that much money on an Explorer. We almost bought an Explorer 99 with 99k miles 4x4 fully loaded Eddie Bauer for $2800.

If we bought an Explorer for $6200 it would have to be 2008 or newer. Ive seen them in Arizona for that price or lower. We could get a 2007 Expedition 4x4 for less than that.

Think that's bad go on ebay and search saleen explorer the first listing is this one the second is one just like it only its number 13 and its mint by comparison and its buy it now is almost 20,000$. Hmmm have to follow these two now, gotta see what the spread is, it would take about 3000 to make this one as nice as the other one.

Anybody want to talk him down and split it, you can have the body, all I want is the drivetrain and engine, and supercharger! :D

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Anybody want to talk him down and split it, you can have the body, all I want is the drivetrain and engine, and supercharger! :D

Lol I just want some good pics of the charger setup cause I have a paxton;)
