Anyone want to pay $6200.00 for a 98 with a salvaged title, lol? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone want to pay $6200.00 for a 98 with a salvaged title, lol?

Ooh....I'm afraid I have to address the elephant in the room. Or maybe this is kind of a dumb question. Why are 2nd-gen Explorers in general so devalued? KBB thinks mine is worth no more than $3,000! Am I just a bit disillusioned or delusional? I mean I don't plan on selling mine -- ever.

Now I'm not saying I'd pay $6,200 for this one. No thanks.

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If someone from the forum buys the truck, please keep this in mind. I will offer to have the body (saleen body kit) reproduced. This all hinges on if it is close to where I live. I am friends with a fiberglass wizard. We could pop some molds and make these hard to find pieces available to us 2nd gen guys.

The offer is out there........let me know.

If someone from the forum buys the truck, please keep this in mind. I will offer to have the body (saleen body kit) reproduced. This all hinges on if it is close to where I live. I am friends with a fiberglass wizard. We could pop some molds and make these hard to find pieces available to us 2nd gen guys.

The offer is out there........let me know.

Somebody do this! I would buy a kit for sure!!!! I HATE my running boards.

Ooh....I'm afraid I have to address the elephant in the room. Or maybe this is kind of a dumb question. Why are 2nd-gen Explorers in general so devalued? KBB thinks mine is worth no more than $3,000! Am I just a bit disillusioned or delusional? I mean I don't plan on selling mine -- ever.

Now I'm not saying I'd pay $6,200 for this one. No thanks.

I would agree with you. Someone offered me $500 for my 96. I told them they can have the power leather seats for $500. Then I reconsidered lol.

If someone from the forum buys the truck, please keep this in mind. I will offer to have the body (saleen body kit) reproduced.

What 2nd Gen years would it fit?

Somebody do this! I would buy a kit for sure!!!! I HATE my running boards.

Im in WI but willing to drive to FL to pick kit up if its cheaper than shipping.

What 2nd Gen years would it fit?

Im in WI but willing to drive to FL to pick kit up if its cheaper than shipping.

98-01 4door maybe 97..not sure

With fuel the price that it is, shipping would probably be cheaper....

That thing is a joke. Maybe $500.00, if that. You can't even find the rims for it anymore. There's anther one on e-bay for 20K I wouldn't mind having though.

Explorers are pretty cheap in the Northeast. I bought my daily driver 97 5.0 for 500, no it's not a lump, put maybe another 500 into it over the past year that I wanted to not that I had to, also bought a 96 5.0 for 400 but that one needed work I stripped it of trim and finish pieces that are difficult to find otherwise, then turned and sold it for 700 for parts. Lots of these 2nd Gen trucks advertised for 800-2000 if you wait a month or two the owners get realistic and take whatever to move it. You buy these to use, not as an investment.

