install reverse sensing system in 04 Eddie Bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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install reverse sensing system in 04 Eddie Bauer


New Member
January 13, 2015
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Shippensburg , PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer
Ok so I want to install the reverse sensing system in my 04. It currently doesn't have it. I found a junk on that has it. What all do it need for it. I know the switch up front, the bumper with the sensors, I heard there is a control module some where, and what about the speaker?

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Behind the rear most passenger side quarter panel, down below the wheel, you'll find the module with speaker.
Easiest to remove the panel, which requires removing the second row seat belt.

You'll need to remove the bumper as well as the tail light.
I recommend removing the grommet and all wiring going through it. Then solder in the ground and power tap. Then wrap it all back up.

I also recomend getting the Aviator reverse sensors. They sit flush in the bumper and not on some dumb looking rail the explorers came with. They use the same modules.


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Here is my other Explorer. The Aviator happened to be the same color.

Also note, the foam behind the bumper is already cut out to accept the Aviator sensors. I don't understand for the life of me why Ford added the ones to the Explorers as they did.

Take some heavy grade paper to the wrecking yard and make a template for the spacing.


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don't even waste your time with a used system...go on amazon and buy the kit for $25. had everything you need, includes the drill bit for your bumper too. i love mine

I like the look of the Aviator ones.

Do you have a like to the kit on ebay?

I really dont like the reverse sensing on my explorer. It annoys me more than it helps. Any particular reason you want one?

I really dont like the reverse sensing on my explorer. It annoys me more than it helps. Any particular reason you want one?

People always want what they don't have.

I enjoyed the challenge.

I do use mine, not in lieu of my eyes, but to know how far away am. It's also a safety feature if a kid runs behind you.

I plan to add them (switched) to my front bumpers.

I did this with my '04. I might have had a write up, but it was long ago.
Dash, lower bezel with the switch in it. The wiring is behind the dash so the switch is plug and play.
Rear: the parking sensor module is all-in-one, with speaker; you will also need the harness that plugs into the rear PDU then runs to the module. There is a harness that runs from the sensor to the rear bumper.
