Great... now what? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Great... now what?


June 2, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Alpena, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Just had a tire shop try to install my tires i got for free, they are 265/75/r16 and they run on the control arm... Truck sits stock at the moment, but what can i do to fit them? Or do i need to buy smaller tires? Will a lift help? Thanks in advance

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Less wide tires or wheel spacers.

Great now what

Exactly what I thought when I saw the title.

Ha ha right? What size wheel spacers would work without changing studs? What's the biggest?

Or change to 16" Ranger wheels. I had his wheel and tire combo on stock height for a little bit with no rubbing. They are stock ranger 4x4 wheels. The truck now has 1.5" rancho lift.

So that's stock 2002-2005 Ranger wheels with 265s? That looks awesome!

When I put my 265/75/16s on, I bought new 16" wheels from 4 wheel parts, stock wheels were 17s. The only time I have any rubbing is when I have it turned fully and then it only rubs on the plastic shields under there. One of these days I'll cut them down some.


Thanks for the info, truck looks nice. I've decided on getting new rims in the next month
