Spring over (finally!!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spring over (finally!!)


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2019
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City, State
Jacksonville FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer 5.0 rwd
So I don’t have a garage or a driveway, however; just found out one of my buddies does, with a lift! and he wants to help me mod my junk! Thus far my 96 2wd has had lift spindles with shackles and lift spring. Going to spring over the rear and go back to stock with the leafs with the kit pictures on its way! So stoked!!!
Plan after that (this might take a year for funding) is to pull the axels out of a modern 350 to swap front and rear. I have accesses to the donor for the axels and another donor for the tans and xfer case.
I have a question though. I’m thinking about where to mount the shock tabs, I was thinking about using the bottom of the sway bar mount as a shock tower. Any suggestions? I currently have rancho... uh... 3500? The rancho that’s meant for a lift.
As you can see, she currently has a little Cali lean that I would like to be rid of.

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I had used the sway bar mount as a shock mount. It did a good job if it, but of course you are losing your swaybar in the process. If you run a Rancho 9000 adjustable that can help dial out the sway.

Thanks! I saw someone else on here had the same idea. I ripped the sway bar out months ago, but I will probably be removing the lift spring when I do the soa so I may need it. Idk

dose anyone know the cheapest rout for leaf springs? I can get some from general spring for about $280, but I was thinking maybe I could find some not worn out in the junk yard? Maybe from a new f150 or something like that?

dose anyone know the cheapest rout for leaf springs? I can get some from general spring for about $280, but I was thinking maybe I could find some not worn out in the junk yard? Maybe from a new f150 or something like that?
For how much of a pain this job is I would go the new route. Just my 2 cents. In Canada new springs and hardware will be about 500-600. I’ll have to do this summer but the money is well worth it if I don’t have to touch them ever again.

Terrible morning coffee is giving me some ideas. I don’t think I’ll have a good solution till this is apart, just thinking. I don’t really like it but this might work.
What about running the shocks at approximately the stock angle with the mount on top of the axel oriented at 90 degrees to the axel? Not directly on top but lined up with the upper shock mount.


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Got that SOA done at 1am this morning. Went back to stock shackles and stock spring pack, had to twist the front end a bit to get it level. This will do till I can afford the SAS.


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Today’s project done.


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