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First accident, odd outcome


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November 22, 2020
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2005 explorer Eddie Bauer
Hey everyone, fist post on this forum, and certainly not the last.
I have an 05’ EB with the V6 and she is one of my favorite cars, I take her everywhere I can’t with the others and I even take her where my other cars can go, I guess you could say I love my explorer.
then you can understand my absolute anger when I get into my first accident when someone fails to yield to me and I was unable to break in time, hitting the side of her car with the center of mine.
physically my car was fine, hers was screwed but she deserved it so it’s fine.
under my hood however... oh boy. I have no idea what could be wrong as I’ve never been the mechanic kind of guy I’ve always been an interior and design kind of guy so I can do anything with the seats but show me an engine and I’d think the water pump was a piston (exaggeration I know some things)
Included is a picture of the damaged. Took off the plate holder ripping open the bumper, and somehow my hood got misaligned. Also here is a video of the sound of my engine from the cab. It’s much, much louder under the hood and I had to plug my ears it’s so loud. She has 196,800 miles. Please help me figure out what is wrong with her so the insurance company doesn’t total her.


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the hit broke the exhaust somwhere, thats a very loud exhaust leak id be checking where the manifolds bolt to the motor, or where the manifolds bolt to the catalytic converter y pipe.

just listened to the video again. i THINK it almost sounds like its coming from directly underneath you. if thats the case, look under the drivers side, almost between the front and rear doors, theres a flange where the catalytic converter pipe attaches to the muffler. i bet the two pipes are totally seperated. that flange always rusts out and is a pain in the ass. it was probably about to let go and the impact jolted it apart.

Open the hood and take a picture of the engine bay. Look at the fan shroud hitting the fan. Look around the junkyard for another bumper cover. Her fault, make her insurance company pay that way your insurance company doesn't total the vehicle, though I doubt they would anyway considering the light damage but you never know. Good luck...

ooo didnt even think of the fan hitting, but id think if it did the radiator would be leaking.

It could just be hitting the shroud and not even touch the radiator.

the shroud is sitting below the rad. so for the shroud to warp like that most likely the radiator would have been damaged.

Open the hood and take a picture of the engine bay. Look at the fan shroud hitting the fan. Look around the junkyard for another bumper cover. Her fault, make her insurance company pay that way your insurance company doesn't total the vehicle, though I doubt they would anyway considering the light damage but you never know. Good luck...
the shroud is sitting below the rad. so for the shroud to warp like that most likely the radiator would have been damaged.
What does the shroud look like? Again I don’t know what engine parts look like. Here’s a pic of the engine bay.

edit: found out what the shroud was, don’t think that’s it. Why? The sound has changed since Friday. I get home after a vacation and the sound is quieter than before


Was all that fluid and drit on there before the accident? If not, doesn't look good. Looks like anti-freeze all over the engine bay. One thing, remove the oil filter cap and with a flashlight, look into the valve train to see if the timing chain cassette is still in place. There are several write-ups on the forum about the timing chain issues, and how to check them. Still sounds like something is hitting something else. Crawl under the vehicle and inspect to see if the fan blade is hitting anything.

Was all that fluid and drit on there before the accident? If not, doesn't look good. Looks like anti-freeze all over the engine bay. One thing, remove the oil filter cap and with a flashlight, look into the valve train to see if the timing chain cassette is still in place. There are several write-ups on the forum about the timing chain issues, and how to check them. Still sounds like something is hitting something else. Crawl under the vehicle and inspect to see if the fan blade is hitting anything.
The dirt was there but I didn’t even notice the fluid until you mentioned it. I did crawl under and nothing on the fan is hitting anything. It’s out of my hands now however, I sent her to my mechanic to be diagnosed. Included is a picture of “the beast” on a tow truck.


Majority of bumper damage looks like it's only scuffs, it might buff out and look good again saving you some money

That disgusting motor gives me major anxiety. If you aren’t mechanical I’d have any accident looked into by a professional. Sometimes thousands of dollars of damage can be hidden. This is why you exchange info anytime there’s an accident, whether there is any apparent damage or not.


That is a nice tow truck though and yea that motor was run hard and put away wet.

Classic broken guide and tensioner sound

Was all that fluid and drit on there before the accident? If not, doesn't look good. Looks like anti-freeze all over the engine bay. One thing, remove the oil filter cap and with a flashlight, look into the valve train to see if the timing chain cassette is still in place. There are several write-ups on the forum about the timing chain issues, and how to check them. Still sounds like something is hitting something else. Crawl under the vehicle and inspect to see if the fan blade is hitting anything.
Yeah ended up being the timing chain. Car got totaled out however so thanks for the help anyways.

Good deal.

wow thats crap luck. just finished doing the timing chains and guides on mine which is identical to yours. not a fun job even with the motor out.

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wow thats crap luck. just finished doing the timing chains and guides on mine which is identical to yours. not a fun job even with the motor out.
I got some noises mine's making... I got a thread with the sound attached here: (Audio included) Tapping noise on 2005 4.6
What do you think I should do? I hope I won't have to do chain and guides.
