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Slow AC leak.


Elite Explorer
February 22, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Hartsville, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer Sport
2000 Ex Sport. SOHC Vin E. Two summers ago the AC slowly stopped performing at it's normal Cold. I do mean Cold. This truck had the coldest AC I've ever experienced. I evacuated it and couldn't find any sign of a leak. Held vacuum, so I charged it. This year it is out of freon. Yesterday I evacuated it a couple of times. Then pulled it down and let it sit for 45 minutes. Needle on the manifold GA never moved a hair. What do you think, schrade valve.. ? I see no sign of leaks any where, including around the valves.


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2000 Ex Sport. SOHC Vin E. Two summers ago the AC slowly stopped performing at it's normal Cold. I do mean Cold. This truck had the coldest AC I've ever experienced. I evacuated it and couldn't find any sign of a leak. Held vacuum, so I charged it. This year it is out of freon. Yesterday I evacuated it a couple of times. Then pulled it down and let it sit for 45 minutes. Needle on the manifold GA never moved a hair. What do you think, schrade valve.. ? I see no sign of leaks any where, including around the valves.

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The ports (schrade Valve) could be the problem. with the hoses connected you don't have a leak. So replace them( valve). First you need too check there size, visually, before buy replacement. Or buy a universal kit on amazon.
Its hard to say where your leak is.
I once had a hole in a condensor , under a vacuum it held, apron filling it leaked.
The valve replacement is a first step. ? How Old are the valves?
?did add UV Dye in the system?( 1/8 oz, just a drop)?
Once fill go over the connections with a UV light, or leak detector or soapy water too check for leaks when running.

Dye is a good start. The best though? Those electronic detectors. They find leaks so small it will blow your mind. And in areas you can’t reach/see

I agree Pete. Trouble is I'll have to charge it again to use the leak detector. I used it last time, couldn't find a leak. Guess I'll be charging it any way. I don't think I've ever encountered a system that would hold full vacuum that long that had a leak.. But obviously the freon is going somewhere. I thought maybe in the evaporator case but no alerts when probing the vents. Can't recall if I used dye the last time. The valves are original..


Just ordered a kit. I have some schrader valve cores in my 4 seasons o-ring kit but I don't know if they are used or new. I'll just start out with new.

Just ordered a kit. I have some schrader valve cores in my 4 seasons o-ring kit but I don't know if they are used or new. I'll just start out with new.
I ordered valve from AutoZone for my explorer. They were the wrong size. I Then went too my kit for the correct size.

I ordered valve from AutoZone for my explorer. They were the wrong size. I Then went too my kit for the correct size.
The kit I ordered covers several Mfg. Ford is listed. Supposed to be here today. I'll see where this is going in the next day or so.

The kit I ordered covers several Mfg. Ford is listed. Supposed to be here today. I'll see where this is going in the next day or so.
Just a note, are your service port serviceable?

Just a note, are your service port serviceable?
Good question.. Never thought about that. They appear to be.. Look like normal schrader valves. If not.. It will be a recharge and forget about it. Not going to get into changing the lines and Accumulator if they aren't. I put less than a thousand mi a year on this truck.. I'm getting to old for this stuff. lol.

OK, service ports are serviceable.
Low side no problem, came right out and had an exact match in the kit.
High side, different story..
It was so tight I had to use a pair of mini channel locks on the removal tool to break it loose. Then I find no exact match for the high side out of 64 pieces in the kit.
Pictures of the closest core I have. The one with the green seal is the OEM. Not sure if the replacement one will work ? Thoughts.
Notice the tool, bent it on the side the torque was on.. Cheap import.. Grrrrr



OK, service ports are serviceable.
Low side no problem, came right out and had an exact match in the kit.
High side, different story..
It was so tight I had to use a pair of mini channel locks on the removal tool to break it loose. Then I find no exact match for the high side out of 64 pieces in the kit.
Pictures of the closest core I have. The one with the green seal is the OEM. Not sure if the replacement one will work ? Thoughts.
Notice the tool, bent it on the side the torque was on.. Cheap import.. Grrrrr

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View attachment 442638
The high side replacement valve appears to be universal. It looks likes your replacement valve will work or go over to your local ford dealer, and see if they have the valve in stock? The valve will either seal or not.


Maybe the previous shop torqued it down in attempt to get it to seal

My HP is leaking around the edge, that could be your problem too


Maybe the previous shop torqued it down in attempt to get it to seal

My HP is leaking around the edge, that could be your problem too
Never been serviced by anyone before. It's worked perfect until 2 summers ago. I'm not convinced the schrader valves are the problem.

"HP" ??

The high side replacement valve appears to be universal. It looks likes your replacement valve will work or go over to your local ford dealer, and see if they have the valve in stock? The valve will either seal or not.
I'll just try the replacement one.. Nearest Ford dealer is a drive and its a very small dealership. I bought a new Ford Escape from them in 2009. I learned how different things are here in the rural South. Let's just say compared to what I was used to in MA they are not real impressive. I was the service manager for a independent shop up in MA years ago that was a far larger operation than this Ford dealer. I live in the boonies.

I'll just try the replacement one.. Nearest Ford dealer is a drive and its a very small dealership. I bought a new Ford Escape from them in 2009. I learned how different things are here in the rural South. Let's just say compared to what I was used to in MA they are not real impressive. I was the service manager for a independent shop up in MA years ago that was a far larger operation than this Ford dealer. I live in the boonies.
Can you just call them and ask? Part number, Amazon is your friend.

HP = high pressure, also known as discharge side

Can you just call them and ask? Part number, Amazon is your friend.
I could have called I guess. Had the Ford PN off Rock Auto.. Motorcraft price $10.00.. I installed the one from the kit. Put a little freon in, engaged the clutch and used my sniffer around the valve. No sign of a leak. I believe you were right "universal". Charged the system up and it's ICE cold again. Took it for a road test and then went all around with the sniffer. including the vents. No alarm... I'll see how long it lasts. Maybe go around with the sniffer once in a while..
Thanks for your input on this.

HP = high pressure, also known as discharge side
OK.. I usually call it the high side... What do you mean "leaking around the edge" ?

The valve can leak in two places. There’s a seal between the outside of the valve and the ‘hose’…and another seal inside the valve. That’s the one that opens and closes when charging.

Mine is leaking around the outside.

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The valve can leak in two places. There’s a seal between the outside of the valve and the ‘hose’…and another seal inside the valve. That’s the one that opens and closes when charging.

Mine is leaking around the outside.
OK I get you. I think mine is good. Used my sniffer around it after fully charged and no alerts. Thank you
