Snowbash for Northeast/Midatlantic? | Page 41 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Snowbash for Northeast/Midatlantic?

Oh, I forgot to post this earlier...
So Thursday I replaced the speedo gear in my tranny on the white truck and the transfer case on the black truck so that they both read the correct speed to compensate for the different tire size and final drive ratios. Anyhow, yesterday I'm one of the local expressways and I'm just opening it up on this one access road (beautiful place to speed) but the crappy part is that once I hit 96MPh my speed limiter kicks in. I thought by changing the gear in there it would resume my speed limiter to 107, but no, it goes off the tach instead of the speedometer. So I guess I gotta get it chipped now, unless anybody knows of alternitives to deactivating the speed limiter.

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im getting the 33s mounted up tomorrow and the BL will be going on on friday.... i cant wait.

oh yeah its coming along alright. All ive really got lef to do is the BL and regearing the rear which is still one of the biggest things. Im hoping ill have some money left over and ill be able to buy myself a powertrax. mmmm powertrax + 4.10s + 33s = FUN :D

yeah.... um yeah.... i was messing playing around with my old front axle and i kinda pulled both the axle shafts out by hand.... Some how i dont think im supposed to be able to do that.

Matt, did it happen to both trucks? If yeah, I wouldn't be too concerned about the marshmellow, since it has to expend so much energy pushing those tires and all...prob not a good idea to be hittin' 108 on 33's, unless you're Alec, lol.

Justin! You're still alive! :D

~Is it just me or is kickin' back in front of the heater in a warmed up Ford truck on a cold, rainy November day have to be one of the best feelings in the world?~

Originally posted by Spas

~Is it just me or is kickin' back in front of the heater in a warmed up Ford truck on a cold, rainy November day have to be one of the best feelings in the world?~

NO, more like kickin' back in front of the heater in a warmed up Ford truck on a cold, rainy November day gettin some oral:D ... now thats the best feeling in the world



  • just one fing thing.jpg
    just one fing thing.jpg
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hey i know someone that has that shirt...

Yeah, I forgot to get a picture of it before I left so I just found a pic online. That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. And what a day for you to wear it, too.

NO, more like kickin' back in front of the heater in a warmed up Ford truck on a cold, rainy November day gettin some oral


Thanks for posting a pic of my *favorite* shirt, too, CJ :fart:

You smell tuna too? :fart:

Har har har....

Looks like I might have a new guinea pig for the next run! :bounce: Watch it, might find something *unwanted* in your truck when you least expect it --Ask Lizard! ;)

Spas, with the way the tank is running, you may have trouble catching Chris:D

I have some good news, my boss hired my replacement:D

on the other hand, the college says I'm failing a class that I dropped the 2nd week of classes, can't win

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if thats the case, then i got some good news too, I totally screwed up my back, and cant work on the truck, which sux totally..... this is gettin to be depressing:(
