Back from a relaxing day of wheeling | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Back from a relaxing day of wheeling

hvac man

Elite Explorer
November 30, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Rifle, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Sport
Hey guys I just got home from wheeling one of the local trails here. I went out with mrboyle and we had a great time just driving around in the woods. Altough the trail is not that difficult it is still fun with optional things to play around on. I can think of one that I should of went around but my bad side said do it and I ended up with about 4" of water inside of my X, oh well :) The trails here are mainly just scenic so it is great to get out and see nature the way most people can only dream about. I will let mrboyle chime in tell his version :)


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Snow :)


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mrboyle crossing mud


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Battlement Res.


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Letting the water drain out :)


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another view of the res.


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What a day. The trail wasn't that bad, but it was just hard enough to be fun. The only down fall was the mosquitoes (sp?). I'm glad Hvac was leading because I was thinking of going in that same hole he got stuck in. It was DEEP :eek: Only real carnage was my t-case skid plate. It now matches the shape of the tranny crossmember. Here's a link to my pics:

Wow that place looks nice. Bet it was fun to get out in the fresh air for a day....

I figured out what that diff guard we found came from. It was off one of the Land Rovers. Its made by Safari-Guard.

gotta love sinking your truck in the mud. sounds like its time to pull out the carpet and herculine the floor. :)

Doug this is my wife's daily driver and I am in the middle of building a trail truck so that whole carpet and herc thing is not an option :) Mike I don't think those rovers went up that rock garden...but you never know :)

You sunk your wife's DD? how much crap did you get for that? :)

She loved every min. of it :) She is into wheeling and camping so this is just another weekend for us. I just have to be carefull because she refers to her X as bling bling :) It is pretty nice for a 93' low miles too.

Doug this what she usualy keeps it looking like :)


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good lookin truck. its my first gen twin. :)

I think white 2 doors are the

K, battlement mesa, any other suggestions

hey hvac and boyle... I posted awhile back on another thread about western CO. I'm headed out to the Montrose area in 4 days and counting. Any "must do" trails? I've got a jacked 2K ranger, so the waterfall crawl is out, but I'm open to suggestions. Also, best campin' area?

Hey Klaws, This is kind of funny because I am going to be in denver this weekend, looks like were trading towns :)
I don't know how you are set up but most of the stuff I know of in montrose is for the highly modified. I would say you could do Battlement but it is about 2.5 hrs from montrose. I would look into doing Black bear pass or something like that. I know there is a thread in the trail run section that Boyle had posted on it. You should talk to mrboyle because he used to live near montrose. How long are you staying?

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