location for 2nd set of tweeters | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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location for 2nd set of tweeters


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
My set-up i'm working on now has a 4" and a tweeter in my custom kickpanel, and then two 6.5" mids in the door (fiberglased and imaged)

i will be putting a 4" in the rear facing out the back of the truck so that there is good sound out the back when watching movies on the big screen etc.

that all leaves one more set of tweeters with no definite location yet.

where would you add the 2nd set of tweeters? it can go in the lower door between the 6.5s and that would put all 5 of the speakers in the door and kickpanel region all very close together. Or it could go a ton of other places. I thought about up on the center of the dashboard firing up, o maybe in those little defrost things, or maybe in the center console (but i doubt the imaging would be any good there), or i guess it could go out back by the 4" but i think thats probably a waste.

what do you all think?

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I would say as close to the windsheild you would want to get because the sound can reflect off and allow great imaging. My .02$

that would make a lot of sense- and i've done that in the past in other vehicles.

i just have no experience with running two sets of tweeters in the front of a car or truck and an explorer in particular. I know that keeping them close to the others will ensure i don't mess up the imaging, but i also know that i might really get even better imaging from a different location...

i dunno if anyone else has run two sets, or if they have if they really took the time to see what worked great, but i'd like to make a plan and at least narrow it down to some options to try.

I always thought about putting something above the rear seatbelts. That way you'll have tweeters spread throughout.

Mine are here:


i definitely want to keep the bias toward in front of me though so it feels like the music is coming off of the hood rather than all around me. I don't think the up by the seat belt locations are for me

If you're happy with the sound in the front why bother to put more up there? I would put them with the 4 inch speakers in the back. You'll need them for highs, plus it makes for a more "complete" install - you won't have people constantly asking you where are the tweeters.

i am thinking of the a pillar instead of the b pillar... for better imaging.......

Originally posted by expo5.0
My set-up i'm working on now has a 4" and a tweeter in my custom kickpanel, and then two 6.5" mids in the door (fiberglased and imaged)

i will be putting a 4" in the rear facing out the back of the truck so that there is good sound out the back when watching movies on the big screen etc.

that all leaves one more set of tweeters with no definite location yet.

where would you add the 2nd set of tweeters? it can go in the lower door between the 6.5s and that would put all 5 of the speakers in the door and kickpanel region all very close together. Or it could go a ton of other places. I thought about up on the center of the dashboard firing up, o maybe in those little defrost things, or maybe in the center console (but i doubt the imaging would be any good there), or i guess it could go out back by the 4" but i think thats probably a waste.

what do you all think?

OK! When i initially read this thread i thought... man this guy has a bunch of speakers just thrown all over the place.... But then i realized it was YOU (sorry drew) and that u actually have taken into consideration imaging and soundstaging. I guess ive just grown accustomed to seeing so many isntalls where people just throw speakers all over the vehicle, making it very loud, but also very poorly imaged. ANYWAYS- It is my understanding that you plan to show this vehicle, correct? Plus you will be watching video from 2 places. 1) the rear of the truck. 2) the front seats. As a result you will need basically 2 seperate sound stages. 1 for the cargo area and one for the driver/passenger front seats.

SOOO - for the rear sound stage:
I would avoid putting 4" speakers in the rear doors aimed towards the back. This is going throw off the front sound stage tremendously. Plus with that giant sub enclosure, some small 4" speakers arnt even gonna project sound out past the sub enclosure to the rear of the vehicle. Your best bet is to get a nice pair of COAX's or perhaps 2 pairs of COAX's and mount them somewhere on the rear enclosure or on the rear hatch itself. This way when u r tailgating or showing the vehicle, you will be able to watch DVD's from your big LCD monitor and actually be able to hear the movie as well. I would also make these speakers defeatable, so they dont always have to be on.

NEXT: The Front Stage and your tweeter issue.
You are going for, essentially, the same front stage dynamic that i will have next month. I will be running a 6.5" midbass in the door and a 5.25midrange along with a tweeter in custom kick panel enclosures. SO: the problem with this particular set up, in terms of SQ and imaging is the overall LEVEL of the soundstage itself. With the tweeters and midrange speaker mounted low in the vehicle, it will bring the entire soundstage down to your feet. You want this soundstage, ideally, to be level with the dash. The easiest way to accomplish this is to place a second set of tweets on the dash right below the a-pillars. An ideal location in the explorer is the side-window defroster vents. Placing the tweeters here and aiming them towards the window will allow them to reflect off the window back at the front passengers. You will also want to de-attenuate these some (-2db or so) so that they blend in seamlessly with the main tweeters mounted in the kickpanels.

Also my reasoning for completely eliminating the rear fill all together is this: You have 4 big subwoofers in the back of your truck. Any backseat passengers are only going to hear subs regardless if u have a pair of speakers in those rear doors. SO they will complain about it no matter what. Unless u wanted to put as many speakers in the rear doors as u have in the front, its a useless effort to try and please any rear seat passengers. SO i say: Dont try and please the rear passengers at the expense of the front sound stage.
Focus yer attention soley on the front stage and providing a decent soundstage for people watching the movies from the back of the truck

With a tweet in the kick panel and one in the defrost, I think you will have a good set up.

I run a MB Quart 6.5 set (old old referenz set w/ the Musicomp crossovers) with the mids in the doors and the tweets in the defrost.
I love the way it sounds.

I originally had the tweets and a set of 5.25s in kick panels and was also running 6.5s in the doors. The extra mid helped to strengthen the low end of the front stage, but my imaging was cloudy. (I run no rear fill)
I run the Alpine ERA-G320 sound processor that allows you to "aim" the image focus, and I still could not get it to sound perfect. I just was never happy with the extra mid.
With the extra mid gone and the tweet up higher, I bought a 150 x 2 rms amp to strengthen the stage:D

Hmm... funny expo, I was about to PM you about this idea again as we previously discussed... I'm doing the same thing now, with my current 6 1/2s... I'm waiting for my door panel to come in the mail that i won on ebay to trash before doing anything to my good panels. I'm still building the basic mold that i will be laying fiberglass over. My test plan is build the panel to hold one 6 1/2 in woofer of sorts, and later this summer, I'm going to go w/ a 3 way component set which I will then modify the stock location for the 4in midrange and tweeter keeping them close together. I'm starting on the passenger side so as I can work on it as i choose, and it's not in my way nearly as much.

I say go for it and start working... I will be getting more involved once my door panel arrives.

sorry there was a little confusion there- when i said run the 4" in the back- i meant run them on the very back of my box facing directly out the rear. they will be sepereated from the listener in the passenger cabin by the subs and i very much doubt you will ever notice they are back there.

i'm pretty sure i like the idea of doing the defrost vents adn i think that can be done with proper imaging.

also, yeah its a ton of speakers, but essentially it won't be changing the imaging at all from what i have now. (with 4" and tweeter in the kickpanel and 6.5 in the stock locations) i'll just be lowering the 6.5s some and adding a buddy to each of them, then adding the tweeters wherever i do add them.

putting them in the back with the 4" isn't a bad idea either. Your right that i really odn't neeed anythign more up front.

oh yeah, and just so everyone knows i'm sending each set of my components 350 watt rms or if you want to look at is as 175 by 4 rms or however makes it clear that they are gonna be loud as hell.

i'll be starting mine in earnest in probably 3 weeks. I have a couple races in the next couple weeks and its still too cold to fiberglass here.

can't wait to see both of ours done.

btw- i just ordered 3 more sets of those flamed audiobahn grilles like on my kicks. when this gets done those will be the origination point for the green with gold accent flames laid over black paint that will be my new interior color.


  • subkick3.jpg
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Hopefully I will be laying glass by this weekend. It's going to warm up to the 50s during the day, and well at night who cares, b/c the garage is heated... So hopefully I can finish this mold, and start glassing. But I'm going to make sure I do the mold right, so if I must delay glassing a bit, I will so as I do this right.

Also I plan to remove the stock grill and once I go to a 3-way set, I will be fiberglassing there to hold the 4in and tweeter at an angle a bit, and to expose the speaker more, and not being stuffed behind the stock grill..

Those are my thoughts as of now, hopefully we can both build some good setups.

I put mine in teh air vents up on top of the dash. They kick off the windshield and actuallu give a very good stage. I'll run outside and take pics if ya want.

Originally posted by RFR2212
Hopefully I will be laying glass by this weekend. It's going to warm up to the 50s during the day, and well at night who cares, b/c the garage is heated... So hopefully I can finish this mold, and start glassing. But I'm going to make sure I do the mold right, so if I must delay glassing a bit, I will so as I do this right.

Also I plan to remove the stock grill and once I go to a 3-way set, I will be fiberglassing there to hold the 4in and tweeter at an angle a bit, and to expose the speaker more, and not being stuffed behind the stock grill..

Those are my thoughts as of now, hopefully we can both build some good setups.

Well this project has come to a hault. It took over 3 weeks for me to get my door panel from the ebay seller, and now have a tentative buyer for my truck, so there is no reason for me to make it. The mold is only partially finished and as of now, I'm not going to be putting any more time in it. Expo, it's all up to you, and who knows what adventures i might play with in my future vehicle.
