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  1. M

    Is there any way to check the total miles?

    How can i check the total miles on my truck? I have a '84 bronco II. It only has a 5 digit odomitor. Is there a way to find out without paying? does anyone have a carfax account that would be willing to check for me?
  2. M

    Super Swampers

    How good are the Super Swamper TSL non-radial?
  3. M

    Any trails in western WA?

    Im trying to find trails in western wa. I want to go wheelin for the first time, so nothing to advanced. I got a mostly stock Bronco II with 28' super swamper TSL. Looking for MUD!
  4. M

    Any trails in western WA

    Im trying to find trails in western wa. I want to go wheelin for the first time, so nothing to advanced. I got a mostly stock Bronco II with 28' super swamper TSL. Looking for MUD!
  5. M

    How good are Sony Xplodes

    I was thinking about buying some 5x7 and was wondering how good they are. or if you know any other 5x7 for $65 that would be cool.