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  1. W

    Defroster Issues

    0204, did you have very weak air flow from the defrosters before the fix? This sounds similar to what I am experiencing but my airflow is quite weak from the defroster. Also were the actual blend doors broken, or just the arm that serves to link the blend doors to the HVAC Actuator? Thanks
  2. W

    Vent control issue - only dash/floor or defrost/floor

    Big Rondo, did you ever figure this one out? I have the exact same problem you mentioned here. :(
  3. W

    LD50 1st gen Rusty rocker panel bodywork - rockerpanel replacement

    Thanks Awesome thread, doesn't look to be as bad as I had thought it WILL be!
  4. W

    Rear Window Defogger

    Midway Auto supply online has a Loctite product that is specifically for this problem. I haven't tried it yet but will need to soon. Here's where I found it; I don't know how to do the hyperlink thing so you'll...