Attention CO boys (and maybe girls?) | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Attention CO boys (and maybe girls?)

actually, because of the design of the radiator air dam (black plastic thing under the radiator), it needs to be cut, and actually provides structural support for the front fascia. yeah that thing is pretty sick looking, saw her drive it around the block on my way out. oh to add to earlier, id much rather do a body lift than take an engineering test lol.

man i bet, any luck seeing in a straight line for a while lol? she took the ski rack off, so it was fine.

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the crew

some pics of the install.... fun times!


me and brett's butt.. haha

nick... muscle-in the body up. he works out :p:

:thumbsup:! now you just need to show it to a trail :D

that crazy bolt up there

my annoying lil beagle helpin out...

more butt :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: yeeaaahh!

more butt :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: yeeaaahh!

Ha! Yeah, you sure took a lot of pics of my back side as I was working. That one was when I was fighting the steering extension. Your camera flash came at the exact same time as I put a wrench down near the battery and I thought I sparked something!

couple more

nice ad for the website :D


need to get those center caps on!

That picture of you and brett's arse in the back ground cracks me up...:D

Ha! Yeah, you sure took a lot of pics of my back side as I was working. That one was when I was fighting the steering extension. Your camera flash came at the exact same time as I put a wrench down near the battery and I thought I sparked something!

"what was that??!!!"
"oh, just me being a paparazzi."

i dont need your sass haha

once again, big THANKS to jim, brett, and nick for all their hard work. i can't wait to take her out on the trails. you guys rock!!!!! i owe you all big time!!!

i've been slackin, i know!!! i'll get some up asap.... need to get that rear bumper raised up tho. since i'm back in IA for a bit, my pops will do it, but it's a nutty busy time of the year, lots of calves being born and the weather is coollldddd here! but my good friend's dad owns a body shop, so i'm going to pay him a visit to have him do it up for me. again, it sucks having only one arm..... gotta love small town iowa, i know somebody for just about everything!

i love it so far. i get lots of looks now, not many lifted explorers around. i'm going to have dad throw the warrior shackles on, that extra inch or so will level it out good. front tires rub a bit.... might have to get out the sawzall or somethin :)

Just watch out when you get home with those warriors on you ride...hopefully you will still make it in your garage...

Just watch out when you get home with those warriors on you ride...hopefully you will still make it in your garage...

haah yeah... i don't know if i'll plan on parking in there regularly :D it's already a close fit as is!


too bright outside tho :confused:


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the rear bumper still isn't fixed... dad has been too busy with all the cattle to do much to it (and he has the mentality if it ain't broke it don't need fixin) so it still looks like crap. my male significant other (not sure if i wanna use boyfriend yet lol) took the hitch off and was looking at it..... he is sure he can do it but still hasn't obviously.... and a family friend who owns a body shop said it was fine like that. SOOOOOO... i have a few questions at this point.

i know the bumper is going to need to be notched or something since it wraps around the frame. and obviously the bumper brackets that came with the sport trac kit aren't going to work. my question is, is my sport bumper set up the same as the older models. like, all you people that did BL's on your older 4 drs and stuff, will the bracket templates on this site that somebody made work for this too?

here is a pic looking through my now huge wheel well gaps :p:


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oh, and we put the shackles on... front wheels still rub pretty good at times, so may have to do a lil TT to get help that. when i have any kind of load in the back before the shackles, there was some pretty sag. now it's good

O man is it lookign good...If the bumper needs to be notched we always have the sawzall :D jk

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NICE! Those Dick Cepek wheels look awesome, too.
