Where Can I Get a Custom Fab Bumper For a 97 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where Can I Get a Custom Fab Bumper For a 97 Explorer


May 2, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
East Hartford, Connecticut
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
mods for my 97 explorer

I was looking at custom bumpers. and i really like the look of some of them, i was thinking of getting one myself. I need one that i can put a winch on as well. Where can i get one?

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bump. I need a bumper that is winch capable, that wont cost me a lot of money

You're going to have to make your own then. 2nd gen winch bumpers are $$$

ps: bumping should only be done if the message is not replied to in over 24hrs... be patient young grasshopper.

www.bbpfab.com has really nice custom bumpers for your truck. I don't think you get to have "cheap" and "good" in the same sentence. You don't want to mount a winch on a "cheap" bumper. You'll kill someone. Save your pennies and do it right.

thats true. i just mean not over expensive. do you know of any other places?

x2 on KPSquared. Pottsy at BBP Fab just finished my bumper for my '01 Eplorer 4 door (2nd gen). We added a brush guard on it so whatever i do hit, nothing will get to the front of my Explorer. As for a winch, Pottsy designed it with a Warn winch so it's all ready to go and pre-drilled. CNC cut as well. Can't wait til my bumper gets here next week, it's gonna be like one bad-ass Christmas. Pottsy is an awesome guy to work with too. http://bbpfab.com/OffRoadProducts.html tell him Brody sent ya :)

any other places you guys know of?

Monstertruck460, do you have a photo of what your bumper looks like so i can see it?

Add this internal bumper mod Jefe designed
And this weekend I fabbed up all the framework inside the bumper.

2x3x1/4 tube:


mounted on back:




Installed inside shell of bumper:


close-up of trailer hitch mount


shows what needed trimming on the frame crossmember


And all done:



Now I just need some hinges and I'll be able to fab up the rest of it.

Then add the pipe that would fit the urithane sleeve in this kit and then drop in and done

As far as I know, RLC and Pottsy are the only guys actively making bumpers for Explorers. Your other option is to either find a used one for sale on the forums, or learn how to build! If you really want a lot of bolt on parts, you'll have to buy a Jeep...

I'm kinda going off topic, but its my thread. Lol. I want to lift my truck. But is there any other way than doing a torsion twist to raise the front end? And how much do body lifts cost?

Doing a suspension lift will change the angle of my driveshaft. That's not good right?

ive heard that using PA 883 lifts for the ranger would work... but again, if i go with a suspension lift, it will change the angle of my drive shaft. is there any way to correct this problem?

what are some other good mods for an explorer. all i know is that im doin a 3" BD and adding a roof rack and lights to it. (the rack is gonna hold my spare!) im thinking about painting my explorer black too. but im still unsure of what else to do. and if i do a 3 inch lift, what size tire will i be able to fit without having to trim? I'm also doin cragar soft 8's with at least a 31" tire

Best advice to you is search around the forums and see what others have done. There are so many different mods i have no clue where to even start. These questions get asked a lot.

This should help you with one of your questions Click Me! for lift and tire size.

i want to run 15x10 cragar soft 8's, as of now, there will be no body lift... what size tire can i use now?

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ok well ill stick with a 15x8 then. But what mods should I do to it. I think I'm gonna do a winch and some other things. Ill post pics of the truck soon. How do you post pictures? Oh well... but so far my upcoming mods are 15x8 cragar soft 8s with yokohama geolander tires, lund roof rack to hold my spare, new headlights and tail lights, but I'm not sure what else to do... maybe a winch and custom bumpers. Is there a person that can fab a rear bumper? Lol. I really don't know. Anyways, that's all I have so far. Just post ideas
