Drafts 6" myron and davis static mount in dash fiberglass | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drafts 6" myron and davis static mount in dash fiberglass


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
Here are a few pics of it so far. I'm sorry they aren't when it was fresh primered i forgot to take them after the last coat.


  • draft2.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 651

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the screen just clips in and out of that frame that is shown above.

here it is not clipped all the way down


  • draft1.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 638

Cool, the final result should be pretty good looking...



  • draft5.jpg
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  • draft6.jpg
    46.4 KB · Views: 633

hu relocator to center console


  • draft7.jpg
    28.8 KB · Views: 566

and finally


  • draft8.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 532

now i want to see pics of it installed in the truck :)

Holy damn! :eek: Looks great!

I need you to make something that'll conceal my Glock®! :D

Looks good so far expo, I wish that I has some room in my console to do something extra. But in the EddieBauer editions, they are pretty much filled up to capacity with stuff. I mean, they give you a dang cup and call it an ashtray. LOL.

so when you putting a tv in my center console??

lookin nice man..

i'm glad you guys like it.

i can't wait to see it installed either, i'd expect to see it in by the end of next week.

who's next?

they should be here this coming thurs, so i figure around friday i'll get some pictures up.

major, major props to my man drew. btw, if you're reading this, got the aim messages while i was on the trails, if you need anything, i'm back in town all week.

Dude you just gave me a great idea! tyhanks a million. not that i'd be able to do it by my self. but here goes. almost saem set up in the dash part but i drive a 5 speed ranger. so i would have to mock somehitng up to go in fron of the stick that would blend in with it. hmmmmm off to the drawing board thanks for the ideas. and it looks freakin awsome

came in today- when you get around drew, catch me on aim.

looks really nice, should be a nice week to install all of this, i'll post updates as it goes, but it shouldn't start till the weekend.

draft, I see in your signature line you have a custom box and some other stuff. How come we haven't seen it yet? Come on, we will be nice, LOL, NOTTTT!!!!!!
Seriously, let's see it, show what ya got.

Damn that looks nice!

i did do a minor worklog on the boards, but it looked like it got pruned.

most of the pictures can be found at:
www.tainted-reality.net/car/final (final outcome of the install)

nothing big really, just custom fit to match the terrain of the back, covered with tweed for a slick look

i had to do some repainting as the heat in shipment destroyed some parts, came out nice, it's all installed right now, but the tv doesn't work yet obviously.

gonna start wiring sunday thru the week, will get some pics tomorrow. overall, i love it. :p

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well, just to update, roughly installed the new 8ga to run down the back to power everything. tv is fully powered and hooked up to xbox (which is just sitting behind my pass seat) video-wise. need to hook up modulator and buy a few more adapters to get the sound rolling, then i'll be done at least getting it setup, then my next plan is to cleanly get these wires situated in nice, hidden places. looks excellent so far. will get some pictures up later tonight.

