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ford transmission

  1. M

    Is a 5R55E trans auto in a 2X4 the same as a 5R55E from a sport 4X4

    I'm obviously missinformed and i need folks who know there fords like you guys to set me strait. I have 2 explorers one is a 1999 4 door 2x4 EB with auto trans the other is a 4x4 sport with 2 doors <three as some call it> with auto trans <currently missing>. I have asked several peps who should...
  2. D

    Can a trans flush help a problematic trans on '05 Ford Explorer?

    I have an '05 Ford Explorer XLT. It's always had some issues with the transmission but the instances that I experienced were few and far between. Two months ago after the truck hit 130K miles, the CHECK TRANSMISSION came on and the O/D flashed a few times. Other than that, everything was...