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  1. F

    Fordpass in 2016 Explorer - NEED HELP

    Does anyone have any insight that could possible help? I'm very close. I installed a used Fordpass modem, part number JB5T-14G229-AG that came from a 2018 Explorer, into my 2016 Explorer. First, history. I have completed a Sync 2 to Sync 3 conversion and all is working well on Sync 3.4...
  2. N

    FordPass Horn/Lights?

    I'm using the FordPass app for (2) 2018 Explorers (Wife and Mine). One is an XLT and the other Platinum. In the FordPass App, the XLT has the Horn/Lights option below the Remote start and Lock/Unlock options. The Platinum only shows the Remote Start and Lock/Unlock. Any idea why one has it...
  3. nsindel

    FordPass/ registered owner issues (fleet vehicle)

    Greetings All - Posting this in the PI section as all of our vehicles were at one time managed as part of a fleet. Wondering if anyone else has had a problem like this, and more importantly, if you did, how did you resolve it. I purchased my 2016 PIU in August of 2021. It is a former federal...
  4. R

    FordPass + Google Assistant/Home

    It's been really handy to be able to ask google to start my explorer in the morning when it's cold, but as of today (worked yesterday) it says "Ford Pass no longer available". Anyone that use this getting this as well? Anyone know that it's lost its integration?