ignition wires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ignition wires

  1. F

    Keypad code ignition starter!!! Please look

    i was watching the Transporter two movie where he gets in his car in the parking garage and punches in a code so he can start his car....and i began to think..... what if i installed a keypad ignition in my X that would actually start the truck Perfect for when you are on the trail and you...
  2. T

    Spark Plugs!!!

    Hey everyone! I have a 1994 Exploder Xlt 4.0 ltr automatic. I wanted to replace my spark plugs yesterday (after inspecting one I noticed they are in pretty bad shape!) however my Haynes manual does not really show you the process of changing all 6 plugs and all 6 wires on a 4.0 litre. My friend...