'08 wheels on '05, tpms | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'08 wheels on '05, tpms


July 18, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Oskaloosa, IA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Mounty Premier AWD V8
Searched and searched, can't find a direct answer.

I just bought some stock '08 wheels for my '05 mounty. The new wheels have banded type TPMS, while my old ones have stem style sensors. Can I train my vehicle to read the new banded sensors, or will I have to swap my old stem sensors to my new wheels?

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Searched and searched, can't find a direct answer.

I just bought some stock '08 wheels for my '05 mounty. The new wheels have banded type TPMS, while my old ones have stem style sensors. Can I train my vehicle to read the new banded sensors, or will I have to swap my old stem sensors to my new wheels?

I don't think you can train them in the same way that the stock 05 sensors are trained. The 4th gen sensors seems to use some type of RF device to train where as the 3rd gen sensors use a magnet. I'm not sure they even use the same frequency or whatever for the signal they send out. You could swap over your 05 mounty sensors into the new wheels and sell the 4th gen sensors though. Or buy aftermarket replacement sensors that are the 3rd gen type and put them in the new wheels.

I knew the training procedure was different. Didn't know whether the frequencies were different or the same. Or if my vehicle could read the different training procedure. Looks like I'll probably just swap the sensors unless someone else chimes in with more info.

I knew the training procedure was different. Didn't know whether the frequencies were different or the same. Or if my vehicle could read the different training procedure. Looks like I'll probably just swap the sensors unless someone else chimes in with more info.

Yeah looking at it a bit further I have found that the 4th gen sensors use a 315 MHz signal and the 3rd Gen uses a 433 MHz signal. So they aren't interchangeable from a frequency standpoint if that's the case.

For anyone else who is interested, it seems you can get the stem-type sensors for the 4th Gens. Not sure yet if those are magnetically trained...if they are then I think that's the cheaper way to go if you aren't able to swap over sensors.

any chance you want to get rid of the old ones? If so PM me.
I'm adding a 5th rim to the rotation.

the old rims? yeah, i'll be selling them. but they are not the stock rims, they are MKW chrome 16". i'll also be selling the '08 tpms.
