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100,000 Mile Club

Ford Tough? NO!

TheRookie said:
138,000 as of today.
heh on tranny number 6 thats SIX, motor number 2, and a whole lot of other stuff. I beat on my X so I cant complain about anything but the a4ld

You really gotta love a vehicle to be on tranny No 6 and engine No. 2 at only 138K.

My '91 just came back from the tranny shop with a 'new' rebuilt 5 speed at only 141K miles. Then there has been: new clutch at only 130K or so; water pump/fan clutch; replacement of power window units; power mirrors inoperative; rear window wipe inorperative; rear hatch pistons broke off; body rot; PS pump leaks like a sieve.

My '97 (104K) is on parking brake assembly (both sides) No. 3. Rear axles bearings replaced; Infamous blend door replaced (the engineers who designed it should be fired.); lubed for life front hub replaced. Other nickle & dime stuff.

I bought both of these Fords based on my brother-in-law's experience with an '88 F250 diesel. It had over 300K when he sold it a couple of years ago. Original engine, transmission, transfer case. One new clutch. New paint job due to the infamous Ford paint flaw from the '80s.

Prior to Xes, I had two Toyota PU. In over 350K, I replaced one clutch and two water pumps. Original engines and drive trains.

As far as I can tell, "Ford Tough" was not designed into the Explorer line. IMO, way too fragile, expecially over 50K. My next vehicle will not have a Ford logo.

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100000 mile club

I'm at 196,000 and still going strong. Only replaced front hubs (despite what the dealer tells you, you shouldn't pop it in to 4 high on slippery roads at 55 mph), radius arm bushings to cure the 65 mph vibration, full synthetic lubes all around, a few hoses and belts, gas, oil, brake pads and tires. That's about it. It's been extremely reliable. I'm looking to replace it soon but after looking at the new models, I think I'll switch brands. The 2005's don't seem to be as good a value as some other marques.

108k. Use it for wheeling, business (Realtor), and hauling engines around in the back. 1st tranny and it runs awesome.

Well i am new to the forum. I have a 95 XLT with 200K and still runs great.

Hello, new to the forum. I have a '95 Limited with 191,650.
