125 PSI in low side port and hot air from AC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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125 PSI in low side port and hot air from AC

Explorer Buff

Active Member
June 9, 2007
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City, State
Middleford, DE
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT 4.0
So I went to buy an AC recharge kit and plugged it into the low side port of my 2001 XLT 4.0 (before adding and refrigerant) and the needle on the gauge read about 125 psi. 25-45 is normal, and the kit said 100 and above is WARNING. So what in the world is wrong and is this dangerous to be driving with? I have never had the AC serviced nor have I had any problems with radiator or any thing other than having a thermostat stuck once. I noticed that the radiator coolant may also be a little higher than usual.

This all started with the AC coming in and out (blowing cold then hot), and now for the last few days its just been blowing hot. I can't tell if the compressor is turning on (it doesn't sound like it is, but I can't really tell, didn't notice the click that I usually hear from it).

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks! :salute:

Edit: It's also about 85 degrees out and I checked it after just having taken about a 5 minute drive and then turning it off and running it for about 3 minutes with it on max ac with the temp control all the way to the cold.

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You can tell if the compressor is engaging by looking at the center of the compressor clutch. If it does not turn along with the pulley, its not engaging. You need to check the pressure with the compressor running. You can jump the pressure switch at the receiver/drier and see if the clutch engages. Do this for just a minute. When the compressor is running, check the pressure and add refrigerant if necessary. My bet is you need refrigerant added.

You can tell if the compressor is engaging by looking at the center of the compressor clutch. If it does not turn along with the pulley, its not engaging. You need to check the pressure with the compressor running. You can jump the pressure switch at the receiver/drier and see if the clutch engages. Do this for just a minute. When the compressor is running, check the pressure and add refrigerant if necessary. My bet is you need refrigerant added.

How can you tell if the compressor clutch is turning?

Is there anyway that if I just added some refrigerant that it would work? What would be the big issue if it were to be over filled?

I tested it again after having it sitting for a few hours and at startup it was at 100psi but I still can't tell if that compressor clutch is engaging, like I said I can usually tell when it is engaging (makes a click and makes the car lose a bit of power) and it doesn't seem to be doing that.

From the best I can tell the compressor is not running. Nothing is turning but the pulley on the top, nothing from the front is spinning.

For instancehttp://www.ford-compressors.co.uk/Pics/14-4440.jpg in that picture the triangle looking thing is not spinning.

I'm guessing im just leery about adding more refrigerant if the psi is already so high. Why would the compressor not running affect this (probably a very dumb question but I'm not nearly as car savvy as most of you experts on here).

Why would the compressor not running affect this (probably a very dumb question but I'm not nearly as car savvy as most of you experts on here).

Because you are reading static pressure. If you had a set of gauges you would notice the high and low side pressures were the same.

What do you think makes the low side have a low pressure and the high side have a high pressure??

It sounds like its an electrical problem. You have plenty of refrigerant in there for the compressor to start running.

Check all the electrical connections/relays/etc.

I just figured this out yesterday as I've been having the same issue for some time. It'd never do it close to home. Turned out my clutch is bad. There is actually a thread in the A/C section right now about replacing one, too.

Before you can determine the clutch itself is bad tho you'll have to see if it's getting power, because it could also be the low pressure switch or the clutch relay.

I just figured this out yesterday as I've been having the same issue for some time. It'd never do it close to home. Turned out my clutch is bad. There is actually a thread in the A/C section right now about replacing one, too.

Before you can determine the clutch itself is bad tho you'll have to see if it's getting power, because it could also be the low pressure switch or the clutch relay.

Ok so once again I ask how do I check that? Thanks!

Use a volt meter and check to see if there is 12 volts at the compressor clutch wire. If not, check the relay. If that checks out OK, check the high/low pressure switch. See if you have 12 volts going through it or just check for continuity.
You did check the fuses already?

Use a volt meter and check to see if there is 12 volts at the compressor clutch wire. If not, check the relay. If that checks out OK, check the high/low pressure switch. See if you have 12 volts going through it or just check for continuity.
You did check the fuses already?

Yea checked the fuses both in the box in the engine (mini fuse position 1) and the cabin (fuse position 10).

As far as checking the wire in this picture http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m236/garthfan0523/compressorlowerboltswithtext.jpg would it be the one on the left or the one on the upper right?

Is there any way to jump the compressor (as I seem to remember reading that if there is low refrigerant it will shut off the compressor to save it)?

I have very little time to work on this during the day (leave work at 6am, get home at 4 and work another job from 6-8). so I'm trying but getting nowhere it seems.

Believe it or not the recharge system says that if the compressor doesn't turn on that you should just add one can regardless. Seemed like a potential no-no so that's why I checked here first.

you guys just sparked something. If you dont have enough refrigerant in the system Will this prevent the compressor from coming on??

Check for 12 volts at the connection in that picture that is right next to the pully. That is the clutch power.

you guys just sparked something. If you dont have enough refrigerant in the system Will this prevent the compressor from coming on??

Yes, the low pressure switch will stop the compressor from engaging if the pressure is too low.

So randomly yesterday it did come on for almost all day after playing with the two connectors (I didn't actually get them off), and I tested the pressure and it was right in the middle of full level (around 38psi). Today it was off again and the clutch was not turning. So it would seem that the connection has something wrong with it. I'll check with the voltmeter here soon.

Ok checked with the voltmeter on both the connector and the input and I didn't get any reading (although I don't know if I was doing it correctly, there's not too much way of seeing at night with a flashlight). Any ideas on the next step? Thank you all so much for all this info you guys are truly the best! :salute:

Ok checked with the voltmeter on both the connector and the input and I didn't get any reading (although I don't know if I was doing it correctly, there's not too much way of seeing at night with a flashlight). Any ideas on the next step? Thank you all so much for all this info you guys are truly the best! :salute:

Well going on a hunch I played with the wires again while the car was running and, bingo the compressor came on but for only a second with some sparks near the plug for the compressor clutch. So upon closer inspection one of the wires had somehow been cut and so a electric connector and some electrical tape later and AC is back again! Thanks all for your help!

Great Job, its always a plus when its a cheap fix like that.

hello my 03 explorer. Does anybody have an idea why my low and high side are at 110 while running? The compressor is on and blowing cold, when I shut off the ac, the gauges equalize at 80.

sorry I thought I was in the 3rd generation
