Wanted - 1991-94 First Generation Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 1991-94 First Generation Explorer

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
July 11, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Limited
I've been scouring Craigslist, ebay, Cars.com, AutoTrader.com, but haven't found that perfect one. It's been two months, searched ads for dozens of Explorer's, however I've been looking mostly local and all I can find in Indianapolis, IN is mostly in dilapidated condition.

4 Door

-V8 converted, or V6 with low miles
-Limited or Eddie Bauer
-Southern or otherwise unsalted states, basically minimal rust. I don't like Rusty cars despite my Aristocratic name.

If you're kind enough to lend me your valuable time and you locate the one I buy, I'd be generous enough to reward you with a finder's fee consisting of a paid subscription to the ExplorerForum subscription for a year. I will travel.

I had a little problem with mine:

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I don't know if you would want to travel to pa for an ex but I know a guy that has a 94 with around 77,000 on it and it is completely rust free it has been garage kept since new and never ever has it seen winter months. Last time I talked to him he was considering selling it for around 4 or 5k but don't know if he changed his mind I can always ask him for you.

Transylvania, Pennnsylvania?

I don't know if you would want to travel to pa for an ex but I know a guy that has a 94 with around 77,000 on it and it is completely rust free it has been garage kept since new and never ever has it seen winter months. Last time I talked to him he was considering selling it for around 4 or 5k but don't know if he changed his mind I can always ask him for you.

Travel is no problem, in fact I'm looking forward to it. It'll give the 'X and I a little time to get to know each other. Traveling is an inevitability. I've been searching mainly the South-West, NM, AZ; and some in the South; AL, GA, etc...

I would be interested in that. At the 5K,the is a bit on the high end, but if it is in exceptional condition, I'd say 4K is a reasonable starting point for negotiations. He may not want to let go, especially if it's something he uses everyday and doesn't need or even want to sell. I can certainly appreciate that, of course it goes with the adage "everything has a price". It maybe one of those situations where "If someone gave me this much for it I'd let it go, but I'm not trying to sell it." Kind of the way "For Sale" is on every other Hot Rod at the car shows waiting for that once in a lifetime sweetheart deal to pan out.

I've got an extremely nice 94 XLT. PM me if interested.


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Indianapolis, IN to Seattle, WA 2,246 miles

Dang, I was in Portland last Spring. I've Never seen so many lifted trucks in my life. Mostly rust free from what I could tell. This would be a beautiful drive through the mountains.

The clone wars

Ok, so the guy from Phoenix with the Limited will not return calls or texts. All I can do is speculate on why, and I'll leave it at that.

Anyway, I found another one close by in North Carolina.



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I'm Baaa-ack




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I've been scouring Craigslist, ebay, Cars.com, AutoTrader.com, but haven't found that perfect one. It's been two months, searched ads for dozens of Explorer's, however I've been looking mostly local and all I can find in Indianapolis, IN is mostly in dilapidated condition.

4 Door

-V8 converted, or V6 with low miles
-Limited or Eddie Bauer
-Southern or otherwise unsalted states, basically minimal rust. I don't like Rusty cars despite my Aristocratic name.

If you're kind enough to lend me your valuable time and you locate the one I buy, I'd be generous enough to reward you with a finder's fee consisting of a paid subscription to the ExplorerForum subscription for a year. I will travel.

I had a little problem with mine:
Bummed but proud
are you still looking for a rust free explorer 4dr
