1992 Rear anti-lock brake question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 Rear anti-lock brake question


New Member
December 28, 2003
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City, State
Bonner Springs, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 EB
ok i have had my 92 x for about 5 months now and the brakes never seemed right. Today i tried bleeding the rears and i got no fluid or anything out of the backs. Even tried putting a vacuum pump on them w/ 25" and tried applying the brakes and the gauge still read 25". To make a long story short i found out that there is a small "box" on the inside of the frame rail about where the bell housing is and i have good presure to that and none coming out. i 9have been told the "box" is a proportioning valve/antilock brake unit. i checked all fuses under the dash and the ones under the hood and found no bad fuses. Does anyone have any info on this system that may be of help :confused: :confused: oh yea, the light on the dash was not on before but once i started jacking with it the light came on and has not gone off since (brakes still feel the same).

Thanks for the help in advance

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ok, i found out how to check the codes on the RABS unit and i came up with a code 12. unfortunatley i dont know what the code 12 means. If anyone has the ford manual PLEASE look it up for me. THANKS

Code 12 on the 92 says "low brake fluid detected for 1 second during antilock stop test". If the fluid is ok, i may be the fluid level switch on the master cylinder.

How did you check the codes without a reader?

bleeding the brakes is difficult on thse and needs special expensive tools I understand as there is an valve that would allow diagonal braking in the event of brake failure, take it to Frauds and get them to diagnose, I presume you have checked the fluid levels and such?
