1992 XLT rear brake conversion from drums to disc | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 XLT rear brake conversion from drums to disc


New Member
September 22, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
My Explorer is max'd out on the rear drums. I also need front rotors since they are run-out also. Has anybody done a drum to disc conversion on the rear brake system, and if so I would need to know where to purchase a kit and a decent link for performance calipers for the front.

Thanks again in advance for any help.

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go to your local junk yard and find a 2nd gen explorer. Pull off the calipers, rotors, brake lines, and mounting brackets for the rear. Its a simple bolt on process.

For the front i dont believe anyone makes performance calipers for explorers. Just get a set of oem replacements. Go with some Hawk pads, and maybe some drilled/slotted rotors if you want extra brake performance.

Hey rdale, welcome to the forum.

I believe I've seen quite a few threads on this topic on this forum. Do a search and you should get a decent amount of info.

I'd be curious how the e-brake cable connects...


how do those brakes mount? do they bolt up?

That discswap link is outstanding. One comment I would add is that since you have to remove the rear axles, replace the axle bearings (and seals?) while you have it apart.


moved to propper forum.

Thanks for the links, I've been eyeballing some Gen2 Explorers in the boneyard for just this reason. Found one and started the pumpkin teardown to remove the axle shafts, and found that it had a limited slip rear in it. That upped the ante. Now I'm looking to do a rear end swap out and take the discs at the same time. Gotta open it up to check the gears first, but then it's just a matter of nuts and bolts. Taking the hoses too.

I'll go check the links out. :salute:
