1993/4 Ford Explorer - Brazil! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993/4 Ford Explorer - Brazil!

Admin BRL

Elite Explorer
February 15, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Sao paulo , Brazil
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993/94 XLT Explorer 4.0
Hello Explorers!

I put my hands on this Ford Explorer.. and I want to put it as good as it gets.

I am used to "restore" cars, for me itself.. buy one wasted, spend months at garage and a lot of cash, to get it working fine.

So, I believe this forum will be a great helper hand!

Warm regards

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Welcome from NC USA

Welcome from Va. USA. Good luck with the Explorer.

Txs guys! a lot of info in the forum... wow... I will try to aggregate ;)

Hi, a hug from Uruguay, here i've find a lot of info and support from these invaluable comunity.
My 1994 manual, has grown a lot since i bought it one year ago, thanks to this people
I even cross the Andes to Santiago de Chile one onth ago!
Yours is manual or automatic?

Hi, a hug from Uruguay, here i've find a lot of info and support from these invaluable comunity.
My 1994 manual, has grown a lot since i bought it one year ago, thanks to this people
I even cross the Andes to Santiago de Chile one onth ago!
Yours is manual or automatic?
A4LD Auto... ;)
