1994 auto to manual swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 auto to manual swap


New Member
October 16, 2011
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ok, folks I have an m5od and the manual trans case from my 1988 bronco II (it is a 4.0 m5od i rebuilt it and I put it in it)along with the manual shift transfer case with the big clutch 4.0 flywheel/ perm magnet starter swap

it is going in the 1994 explorer i have with a bad auto trans and electric Trans case......So question is what years and model clutch and brake pedal bracket under the dash do I need? cannot find a 1994 explorer manual truck @ pick a part or will the one from the BII work????

I do have the 4.0 man PCM for a 1994 and all the stuff on the BII(clutch, flywheel, slave, master, starter) so all I need now is the pedal bracket.

many thanks

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looking at this it appears i can pull both dashes back using the clutch pedal, brake pedal and the clips and spacers from my 1988 and its cross shaft and put them in the explorer support bracket........................?????

Are you going to do a write up with pics? I'd like to do this swap down the road sometime.

looking at this it appears i can pull both dashes back using the clutch pedal, brake pedal and the clips and spacers from my 1988 and its cross shaft and put them in the explorer support bracket........................?????

Yes, the BII manual pedals will swap right into the Explorer auto bracket. You just need to drop the E-brake pedal off the kick panel for the little extra room.

Make sure to check where the brake pedal "pivots" in the cast bracket! They have a tendency to wallow out when the bushing goes bad.
