1996 XLT 4x4 problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 XLT 4x4 problems


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December 31, 2006
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96 xlt
First post, have been reading for a couple of days.

Sometimes the front wheels engage, and sometimes they don't. I have jacked up the front and checked the CAD as recommended here and it seems fine. In 4wd auto it is common for the rear tires to spin on ice/snow, then when i give it more gas the front end kicks in with a clunk, or sometimes not at all. I was getting the flashing lights until I cleaned the rear output sensor, however it didn't help the spuradic front wheel engagement. The inner face of the sensor looked tan and had some flaking of the tan surface. I have not cleaned the front sensor as I was hesitant to take off the shift motor just yet.

The shift motor seems to work flawlessly. I should also note that my front wheels also tend to spuradically engage even in 4 low.

Please help.

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I have had this same problem in the past and would be interested to know the solution.

The wheels should not spin very much before engaging the front axle. There may be some programming changes that were made to the 97-01s from the 95-96, but if so I'm not privy to that. On my 98, I get about 1/8-1/4 turn before the fronts engage in automatic.

In 4 low, they transfer case should lock solidly. If it's not locking like it should, it could be a problem with the TOD relay or a problem with the transfer case itself. Without being able to monitor the GEM and see what it's seeing for inputs and outputs, it's tough to guess why the system is malfunctioning. It can't hurt to check the other shaft speed sensor, but I would be surprised if that fixed it... Because of how it acts in low range, it sounds to me like it's something with the TOD relay not properly locking the case when it should, or the transfer case clutch coil not working the way it should.

Sorry I can't be more help... Good luck!

Would a brown wire mod help if it is the TOD or TC Clutch?

Found the problem. I went ahead and bought an new rear sensor from Ford,$50 :( When I took the old one out I noticed that the casing on two of the wires was rubbed through where they take a sharp 90 degree turn coming out of the sensor. Anyway I put the new sensor in and changed the TC fluid. Everything works perfect now :)

I have a 1996 UN XLT, i also have the problem with the "4x4" & "Low" lights flashing on & off about 6 times every 10mins or so. But i also have a problem when i have the 4x4 switch set to "auto" for normal driving, whenever i get down to very lows speeds & turning eg. making a u-turn it feels like one of the diffs is locking up. I have drained the oil from the rear diff & refilled it which was ok for a bout 1 week & now i have the same problem. Any ideas??

Start with the simple stuff...

Are all four of your tires the same size and manufacturer?

Check ALL of the fuses? (not sure which ones but just check em all)

The clutch solenoid may not be staying engaged. Could be low voltage issue or wiring problem. Have you beentapping into or cutting any wires?

Good luck...
