1997 explorer 5.0 awd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 explorer 5.0 awd


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March 14, 2012
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1997 ford explorer xlt
i own a 97 explorer awd 5.0 with 188000 miles on it.when i put the car in drive and take my foot off the brake and roll slowly i hear a clicking noise coming from under the car which goes away when i accelerate the noise is in the center of vehocle when i put it on the lift the noise goes away.i have checked the cv joints u joints and bearings all look good.i also have a rumbling noise when the tranny upshifts and down shifts.does anyone know what that clicking noise is.thanks.when you put the tranny in neutral while rolling the noise stops it also does the same in reverse.

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Its the front driveshaft @ the t-case, its actually a CV joint with balls in it and they are very common to go bad.

thanks for the advice i will put it on the lift and check it out asap i will let you know how i make out.

Viking, I had the same issue and just took the drive shaft out since I don't really need the AWD. Was planning on fixing it and haven't yet, it's been about a year and I haven't seen any issues yet. I dropped mine out in a friends drive way, pretty easy, no real need for a lift as long as you can get under there. Gonna put it back in with new shaft next month. Just wanted to let you know my experience.

did you get a price on the new drive shaft or a price on rebuild drive shaft.i called around and found out that the only thing you can do is rebuild the old joint for about 100 bucks

if you guys need a drive shaft, i have one from a 98 5L that i can sell you.

The only ones I've found were rebuilt and about $200 after you turn in the old one.

apparently when you take the front Dshaft out the truck drifts in park, but then ive heard conflicting results.

Since your tranny is shuddering you can change the fluid and add another tranny cooler to fix it, some have good results using friction modifier too. Im in the process of doing this

Also, don't be so sure it's the shaft. My '97 had a junk transfer case. Replaced the driveshaft and the noise was still there.

I would put the truck in drive, and roll with my foot off the brake and got popping noises from under the vehicle.

Are all the tires the same size/have even wear?

I remember that exact scenario in mine a few years ago. That clicking all the time. Mine did end up being the front drive shaft as well.

tranny noises

I remember that exact scenario in mine a few years ago. That clicking all the time. Mine did end up being the front drive shaft as well.

you say as well did you replace the tc also. i am going to try this DR tranny instant shudder fixx as a tranny addidtive for the rumbling if it works i will pull the drive shaft and see what it looks like.

i own a 97 explorer awd 5.0 with 188000 miles on it.when i put the car in drive and take my foot off the brake and roll slowly i hear a clicking noise coming from under the car which goes away when i accelerate the noise is in the center of vehocle when i put it on the lift the noise goes away.i have checked the cv joints u joints and bearings all look good.i also have a rumbling noise when the tranny upshifts and down shifts.does anyone know what that clicking noise is.thanks.when you put the tranny in neutral while rolling the noise stops it also does the same in reverse.

the mister tranny shudder fix worked great the tranny no longer shudders and the car shifts great but the rebuild drive draft was a waist of money the transfer case needs to be changed i am just going to run it with the noisy transfer case and hope it holds up.

yup, that's what mine was...
