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1st Mod - Installed Bosch Platinum +4

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hehe... hey! ANYBODY KNOW!?

I just installed the Platinum +4's and boy did they make a difference! I think I noticed a bigger gain from the plugs than I did from the K&N. Haven't checked my gas mileage yet because I have been too busy stomping on the gas pedal. Can't wait until my next mod.

How do you like the Westin grille? I saw someone selling one which seems like a great price. I'm glad you got the same results I did. Let me know what gas mileage you get. I added Bosch Platinum (don't have +4 for those) to my daily driver car and there was no diferrence that I can tell.

I love the Westin Grill Guard, it matches the lines of the Explorer very well. It was also very easy to install, I put it on myself in about 1 1/2 hours. You should be able to find the lowest price at Pep Boys but you will have to pay the S&H. I picked mine up from Explorer Express because I live near their shop and it saved a bundle on S&H. As soon as I fill up again I will let you know the mileage. I am still enjoying the extra power so it probably won't be the best due to me gunning it from stoplight to stoplight.

Hey Nick! About the intake you are talking about, if I am correct you will notice that on your old school explorer the intake hose is sandwiched in between the engine and the hood. This is why you wouldnt be able to use a newer intake hose, due to them not having that problem. Just my .02

Finally an answer! BUT! Will it fit just in front of the fan? When I was tinkering around with a PVC intake (got lazy and havent continued) It appeared I might be able to get away with running the 3" pipe by moving it a hair closer to the engine. Got kinda close to one of the pullys though. Im thinking if I had a body lift....


Got my computer and Superchip back this morning. Turns out, my computer had been re-flashed to a newer version. I can't honestly tell any SOTP (Seat of the Pants) difference driving around in town. I've filled up my tank so I can atleast tell the gas mileage difference (if any- currently get 16 MPG 75%city/25%hwy).
I'm picking up a Westin Grill/Brush guard (for 95-98 Explorers)tomorrow from some guy selling them for $125.00
Here is what I've done so far to my '96 XLT 4x4:
1) Woodgrain trim (atleast 10 HP increase :))
2) Bosch Platinum +4
3) KKM Tru-rev induction kit
4) Superchip
5) Westin Grill
6) Xenon 9007 & 893 Headlamp bulbs
7) Dynomax Super-turbo cat-back system

Gee, I was surprised when I actually stepped on it. The Superchip is "SUPER". What a difference al lthis makes. A friend of mine who rode with me asked what engine I had and called my vehicle a 'sleeper' - I just smiled :)

[Edited by config on 10-30-2000 at 10:10 AM]
