2001 Ford Explorer Sport 2wd lift options?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Ford Explorer Sport 2wd lift options??


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October 19, 2013
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Anniston, Alabama
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2001 Ford Explorer Sport
I have recently purchased a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport. It's 2wd but I'm interested in lifted it. I only want 3-4 inches so I can fit on 33s. I know I can do crank torsion keys up and get about 2 inches but I've heard that can make the ride quality crappy. I've also seen people do spindle lifts but I haven't had any luck finding one. I was also wondering what I can do to the back to get a little lift. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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OK 33 views and no suggestions!

I'm think'n no one is to sure if a 4x4 lift kit will work on a 4x2.

I surely have no idea.

But thought somebody should at least yell at-- er a, I mean talk to you.

Try re-posting your question in the stock and modified second gen sections, and use the Google search box at the top of the page it only searches this site. See if you get a thread where someone has done a lift on a 4x2 sporty.

Hope this gets you pointed in the right direction!

And Welcome to the site.

Bunch of threads on it that show you exactly how to do it and walk you through things if you decide a route you want to go.

For the front you can do a simple torsion twist up to three inches, but like you know the ride will be a little rougher. To help that you can get rancho shocks that are extended and valved for TT that really help with the harsh ride. I have them on mine and it made a great improvement to the ride.
A little more expensive would be to get lift spindles. You would get ones made for a ranger edge that would make it about 3 inches in the front and also widen your stance a bit.

For the rear theres a couple options on how to do it. Easiest would be to get lift shackles that would raise it aout 1-2 inches depending on how good your leaf springs are. Also there is add a leaf that would give you about an inch, or you could do both.
Also you could swap your leaf spring from a 4dr that would make the ride a bit better and do the f-150 leaf swap which would also give you a couple inches.
You could also do spring over axle but that would get your rear a lot higher than the front.

Any of those should help you fit 33's.

Hey Frankcal, you may be able to answer my question. I have 2.25 torsion keys in the front and shackles in the back. Can I still do the Torsion Twist up front, and then I guess I would need AAL to balance everything out.

Hey Frankcal, you may be able to answer my question. I have 2.25 torsion keys in the front and shackles in the back. Can I still do the Torsion Twist up front, and then I guess I would need AAL to balance everything out.

I'm not too sure i'm not that familiar with the torsion key re-indexing part of it because I've never done it myself. But best bet would be to just crawl under and see if the torsion bolts can still be tightened, if so then yeah you could get some more lift of them. Assuming their is still some threaded area showing on the bolts then yeah just do the aal in the back then tt twist the front to match whatever kind of lift you get.

I'm not too sure i'm not that familiar with the torsion key re-indexing part of it because I've never done it myself. But best bet would be to just crawl under and see if the torsion bolts can still be tightened, if so then yeah you could get some more lift of them. Assuming their is still some threaded area showing on the bolts then yeah just do the aal in the back then tt twist the front to match whatever kind of lift you get.

I went up about 1.5 inches in the front. The front is at 36.25 and the rear is at 34.25. Im trying to decide if I want AAL or blocks in the back.

You can't do blocks in the back to lift it, that will just lower it since its spring under axle. Get the long AAL, those should work out for you to get you close to level.
