2002 explorer keypad sets off my alarm | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 explorer keypad sets off my alarm


New Member
May 31, 2011
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My pos explorer alarm goes off every time I try to enter the keypad code. I lock the car with the electric lock inside the driver door. When I come back to enter the rig I always just enter the key code since I lost the remote. Also sometimes the driver side lock buttons won't work when I turn the car off and get out to lock it. Related???

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Could all be related to a few broken wires in the drivers door boot.
There is a good thread on here somewhere about that but rest assured as soon as Big Rondo jumps on here he will post it all for you. He must have it saved somewhere and just copies and pastes it.
The dealer will tell you $400 but you will need about 1 hour, about 3 feet of wire, some butt connectors, a flashlight and some patience. It is pretty tight near the boot.
I did a quick search and didn't see the thread and I am heading out.
Good luck and keep us informed.
Big Rondo, I didn't jump on here Monday.....Thank you for your service my good man.

This isn't the original thread but Big Rondo does link the fix in this thread.
Again good luck with this, but these dumb little broken wires seem to be huge headaches for everyone.

most if not all alarm systems will be triggered by the door code since there is no way to integrate it. There is a system made for ford that someone posted here that can integrate it but I can't confirm that.so you can buy a replacement remote on ebay to avoid that problem, just look for the alarm module and get the brand and model # and do a search hope that helps

I know this is an old post, but I just stumbled upon it. If the OP is still looking for an answer, here you go:

I had similar electrical issues with my 02 xlt. The dome lights would stay on until the battery saver feature turned them off, the accessory delay wasn't working, the driver side puddle light didn't work, the keypad on the door would set off the alarm when I pressed it, the door ajar light would flash and beep at highway speeds, the radio would shut off as soon as I turned the key off, the delayed accessories didn't work, etc. Most recently all 4 windows stopped working.

A lot of electrical issues can be traced back to broken/damaged wire(s) in the boot between the body and the driver's door. I found 2 broken wires and repaired them. The thin black ground wire was broken and after repairing it all was back to normal. When the windows stopped working, I repaired the thick black ground wire and the windows now work like a champ.

Here is the thread for removing the door panel: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums//showthread.php?t=303524

Here is a great thread for checking for broken/damaged wires, thanks to synyster for this awesome write-up: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums//showthread.php?t=270081

Be sure to take your time when looking for broken/damaged wire(s). Check all the wires for breaks/damage. When you think you're done looking, look again, and again, and again. A bright flashlight can be very helpful.

Good luck with the fix! Sorry about not answering sooner. Hopefully you are still poking around.
