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2002 Explorer with 2 problems...


Well-Known Member
April 16, 2007
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Salem, IN
This is my work vehicle. It is a 2002 Explorer XLT. I have 2 problems with it right now.

1. The 4wd doesn't work. It is in 4 Auto (2 high), but wont shift into 4 High or 4 Low. I haven't checked any fuses yet; I plan on checking the fuses tonight.

2. The windshield washers (front and rear) stopped working today. It worked fine, then it acted like it was out so I refilled it. Once it was full, it still wouldn't work. Again, I haven't checked any fuses yet, but plan to tonight. If a fuse was blown, wouldn't the wipers not work since they are on the same fuse? Could it be a front and rear pump relay?

Any help would be great.

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I got the washers fixed.

I can't figure out the 4wd system though. All the fuses are good, but I don't think I am getting power to the motor. I check the yellow and orange wire at the motor plug, and when someone hit the shift button on the dash, there wasn't any power that came across those wires.

Anyone have any other ideas on the 4wd system?

4x4 control module in the passenger front kick panel. Are you getting any click in the passenger kick panel when you shift it into 4x4? From my research the 4x4 control module is a pretty common problem for 2001-2003 explorer, rangers, and 2002 was particularly bad. On my sport trac, it just went out, it's a 2002. Good luck.

I don't hear any clicks.

Is the control module a dealer only part, or where can I find one?

Call around to some junk yards, they may have one. You will need to get the ford part number off the 4x4 control module to do that though. It's right behind the passenger front kick panel and it's a black box with 4x4cm on the box. It should be right around 100 bucks from the junkyard. Otherwise go through fordpartsnetwork.com. You will have to call them up to see if they have one. I got mine from them. It was $160? I can't remember, but it was almost half the dealer wanted for it and only $60-$70 more than a junkyard. One last question, are you getting any lights in the dash when you switch or start the vehicle? If not, then I would say it's definately the 4x4 cm. Good luck.

The only light I get on the dash is the 4 LOW light when I start the truck

Another question, how do I remove the radio? Is there anything online for that?

You've got an 02 explorer right? I have no idea how to remove the radio for that. My 02 sport trac is the same as an 01 explorer.

And you only get the 4low light? When my module went out, I got nothing, no 4low, no 4high, no lights in the dash whatsoever, no click in the kick panel, no familiar sound of the transfer case going into 4x4, no nothing. But you get a 4low light. Maybe you can test the 4x4 switch? I don't know how to do this. I took mine apart and the switch operated fine and looked fine inside so I gathered that the switch wasn't bad. My guess is that for you its still the 4x4cm.

Another question, have you disconnected the battery recently? From my research that made me decide that my 4x4cm was bad was that Disconnection of the battery or even some light electrical work on an 02 pushes the rate of failure of the 4x4cm drastically! My 4x4 worked, then I disconnected the battery to reset the CEL and then after reconnection the next day I had no 4x4 on a snowy wintry day. Searching around found me this thread, Click here. Click here for another one about replacement.

I got the radio out. The trim piece just pops into place.

The battery got replaced about a year ago. Right about then is when the 4wd went out.

I don't hear any clicks in the kick panel nor any under the truck as the 4wd engages.

We have another '02 Explorer at work that the 4wd works on. I will grab the 4x4EC tomorrow and see if it works in my '02 (mine is a work truck as well). If that fixes the problem, I will go to Ford and order the updated part.

Yeah, if you have another truck at work that is the same, it's a good idea to swap them to test it. And yes, it's a good idea to get the updated part from Ford, then in theory it shouldn't happen again.

I will update this tomorrow after I try to swap them out.

Thanks for the help.

I swapped the 4x4EC and it worked. Thanks for the tip. I just left the good one in my truck. Whenever it goes out, I will buy a new one for it.

Yep, common problem. Glad you got it fixed! ;)

Now it is doing something else. It is flashing the 4x4 High light at random times, mostly when stopped or accelerating from a stop. When I hit the switch while stopped to go into 4x4 High, it doesn't do anything. It takes a couple taps to get it into 4x4 Low as well.

It also acts like it is shifting into 4wd when I am turning at slow speeds. There is some kind of bindage and it has only been doing that since I swapped in the good 4x4EC.

Any ideas?

Was the ford part number the same on the control modules?

Yea they were the exact same part numbers.

Well if they were the same numbers you should be fine. I'm stumped now. I don't know what it could be. Maybe it is possible the shift motor is bad also? You said you haven't used 4x4 in about a year, correct? Click here for Shift motor rebuild. Maybe there is some info in the forementiond link I just posted that may lead you to that Shift motor. At this point, you may have had a couple things wrong but I'm stumped now also.

I took it to a shop yesterday. They said it was the speed sensor on the tail shaft of the transfer case. They said it was what made the 4x4 AUTO to engage. What was happening is the 4x4 AUTO was engaging and on dry pavement we all know it will cause binding.

I should have it back today, so I will let you know.

We have been having problems with our '02 explorer too. It is pretty well stuck in 4wd now. The indicator lights on the dash frequently blink back and forth. The 4x4CM clicks most of the time, even when the truck is shut off. I was assuming the 4x4CM was the problem. I now question it after reading your last post about having problems with the speed sensor on the transfer case. Anyone's thoughts?

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My 02 XLT would not shift into 4wd low or high. The indicator lights on the left side of dash board would not illuminate when starting the vehicle. Read many of the forums and was prepared to replace the transfer case motor and/or the 4x4 control module. After locating the 4x4 control module, I disconnected both of the multi pin connectors, reconnected them, and NOW, the dash lights illuminate when they are supposed to, and I can now select 4x4 auto, 4x4 low or 4x4 high, and I hear the two activation clicks from the control module. With luck the reseating of the connectors is all that is needed. Maybe saving a few $$$$$$.
