2002 ford explorer gauge problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 ford explorer gauge problems


New Member
April 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Memphis, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer xls
My girlfriend has a new 2002 Ford Explorer and has twice had her gauges breifly fail on her while driving (all front driving gauges go down as if the car were turned off). It happens all of the sudden and then they immediately recover to normal with no known other problems with engine or power to the vehicle - and at no common speed. Has anyone owning a 2002 experienced this problem? We have taken to the dealership in Memphis (which is usually helpful - atleast with my 2000 exp in the past) - but they, of course, cannot replicate the problem and do not know of any other known cases.

There was a recent thread regarding a 2002 that would die randomly I believe. Run a Search for "2002" and you should find it, and any other threads releated to the 2002 model.

Originally posted by brandonm
My girlfriend has a new 2002 Ford Explorer and has twice had her gauges breifly fail on her while driving (all front driving gauges go down as if the car were turned off). It happens all of the sudden and then they immediately recover to normal with no known other problems with engine or power to the vehicle - and at no common speed. Has anyone owning a 2002 experienced this problem? We have taken to the dealership in Memphis (which is usually helpful - atleast with my 2000 exp in the past) - but they, of course, cannot replicate the problem and do not know of any other known cases.
I'd leave it with the dealer for a few days and have the service manager drive it to and from his home to see if he can replicate it....my parents had to have the service manager take out 94 E150 van home seceral occasions...he even replaced the gas he used...

Thanks for the suggestions. Turns out (after several frustrating trips to the dealer) that it was an alternator problem. Ford replaced the alternator and it seems to work fine. Of course, it has only been a week since that was done, so we'll see how it goes.
