2006 Rear DVD/Entertainment Center | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Rear DVD/Entertainment Center


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August 12, 2009
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Bel Air, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Eddie Bauer
I just purchased a 2006 EB and wanted to add the Factory ceiling mounted rear DVD/Entertainment center. Is the wiring harness for these already in place? If not, can the harness be ordered from Ford? I checked with a local Ford dealer and he told me that he couldn't find a part # for the harness? Has anyone addded one of these?

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Probably would be much easier (and cheaper) to install the accessory Ford DVD player in the ceiling. Just have to run 1 harness for power, and it comes with it.

I know some have, because theyve been sold on part outs, but I would think you probably have to get the harness, it shouldnt be too complicated, but then again, thinking about it, the harness might actually be there, otherwise you'd have to splice into the headunit harness and whatnot, try pulling your headliner down enough to see...

Probably would be much easier (and cheaper) to install the accessory Ford DVD player in the ceiling. Just have to run 1 harness for power, and it comes with it.

Whats the difference between this and the one he wants to install?

The accessory one mounts in a 9" wide area of the headliner. The unit is smaller, but the screen size is the same. Plus I think it's a little cheaper. The factory unit is much bigger/wider, and if the harness is not there it would be quite a pain.

there is also a mounting bracket for it. If its there, it would be a green plug with 16-20 wires in it, 'C' Piller near the top. Note, in my '04 that same harness could also come with a sub-woofer plug which was omitted for mine even though i had the DVD player. Anything else, i'd say yes, but for some reason there seem to be more than one harness for the radios depending on the setup.
The aftermarket one seems to be the way to go. Or you would have to pull the harness off a junker.

pic of bracket, silver thing center of the roof.


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