2006 Replacing CD changer with just CD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Replacing CD changer with just CD


May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'06 4.0 XLT
Good day, guys!

Since CD changer seems to be a plague on Fords (mine also went), I wanted to see if I can just install a stock Ford CD player instead of the 6 CD changer. It seems obvious that it can be done, but the regular CD player has 3 connectors while the CD changer has 4. So can I just not plug the 4th connector, I don't know what it controls - maybe just an additional power source for the changer? Wanted to make sure, because I don't want to buy and then have to return the CD player.

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The other connector on the CD changer is for the subwoofer amps that are part of the package with upgraded sound systems. You can just leave those dangling, I would think, but if you have subs (or a sub) it won't work.


Vic, thanks for your response. I don't think I have the subwoofer, where would I check to make sure I have/don't have one?

IF you had a subwoofer, in the back on the right side if your looking in the vehicle from the hatch you would see a speaker grate or something simillar.

Thanks, 16EBBOY!
It seems that the subwoofer is there. Now I don't understand why the regular CD/radio ford combos, don't have the subwoofer connector? Only the 6 CD changers do. Any clue?

I believe the single CD systems were a base package and not provided with a subwoofer, so no need for the connector. The Sub connector is part of the upgraded systems, including the NAV packages, which basically all came with a subwoofer.


Beargap, that's exactly it. Regular CD's don't have Audiophile "upgraded" connector.
Thanks for your help.
