2012 Explorer - Difference in shocks / suspension Base Model / XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 Explorer - Difference in shocks / suspension Base Model / XLT


August 10, 2013
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2013 explorer XLT
I am looking at purchasing a Base Explorer 2011, 2012 or new. Is there any difference in the shocks or suspension between the Base and XLT and/or Limited? I'd like to put OEM 20" rims (ie Limited) and OEM Hankook tires on the Base model. I know the ride is a little rougher anyway even in the Limited with 20". This would be for on road only. I don't necessarily want to change out shocks.

Also, if i purchased new would this affect the factory warranty? Base does not come from dealer with 20" as an option

Thanks. Any comments appreciated.

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I hav'nt a clue, however I would think the basic way to know would be to just see if the shock/Strut part numbers are the same or interchangeable between the models.........best regards Plum

I am looking at purchasing a Base Explorer 2011, 2012 or new. Is there any difference in the shocks or suspension between the Base and XLT and/or Limited? I'd like to put OEM 20" rims (ie Limited) and OEM Hankook tires on the Base model. I know the ride is a little rougher anyway even in the Limited with 20". This would be for on road only. I don't necessarily want to change out shocks.

Also, if i purchased new would this affect the factory warranty? Base does not come from dealer with 20" as an option

Thanks. Any comments appreciated.
Welcome to the Forum Beneastman.:wavey:
I think the only model that has a difference in the suspension is the Sport.
For your info, I have the Limited with the 20" wheels but no Hankooks. I replaced them with Yokohamas the day I picked up my Explorer. For Winter I use the Base model 17" steel wheels and 245/65R17 dedicated Winter tires and haven't had any problems.
I actually wished the Limited came with a factory option to get the 17" wheels. I would have got them in place of the 20".
So basically I'm doing the reverse of what you want to do.

Ford says to replace tires with the same size tires so I'm not sure exactly what warranty parts it might affect.


They are twin tube shocks. They produce a lot more heat offroad but they provide a better ride quality in terms of softness over rough surfaces.

Thanks for the input. Those 17 plastic caps are just so dang ugly. Ha. Yea it seems the Sport suspension is the only one advertised as upgraded. Ill probably rattle my teeth but I think ill try putting the 20 on the Base. Just need to make sure I get a tire that won't peel off on the Texas tar.

Thanks for the input. Those 17 plastic caps are just so dang ugly. Ha. Yea it seems the Sport suspension is the only one advertised as upgraded. Ill probably rattle my teeth but I think ill try putting the 20 on the Base. Just need to make sure I get a tire that won't peel off on the Texas tar.
I don't think they are that bad. Besides, up here in the Winter, those wheel covers and the 17" steel wheels help shield the brake parts from slush, salt and sand much better than the wide open OEM wheels do.;):thumbsup:

Also make sure that the lugnuts are the proper ones. The OEM lugnuts from the 20" wheel will not hold the 17" covers on. I had to get different ones that had a flange on them so that they would keep the covers on. They ran me around $13 each. Now perhaps going from 17" to 20" there may not be an issue but it is something to be aware of.
Good luck.



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IIRC Base models along with XLT's and Limited's that are equipped with teh tow pkg have springs with stiffer rates as compared with those without the tow pkg. I drove both XLT's with the 18" wheels with and without tow and the non tow version felt a tad bit smoother with less rebound jounce over bumps.

Peter - Thats a good point about shielding the brake parts...though snow and slush not as much of an issue in TX. And we dont even stockpile salt down here. Thats why we freak at a bit of sleet. But good point nontheless. Thanks for the wheel pic. Also good point about the lug nuts. I checked out some 20" OEM rims on Craigslist and noticed that they did not include the lugs...so good to know in case I tried to use the 17s for the 20's.

Dr-Plastic - Thanks for the comment about the tow package shocks. I looked at a Base with a tow package on Carmax. Good to know because it sounds like it would be stiffer. (by the way...I hear Uhaul still will not rent equip to Explorers)

Im thinking of asking a dealer whether changing the rims to 20 would affect the warrenty on a new car. I suppose if I went with Carmax it might be out of factory warrenty anyway...though some 2012s have a few miles left.

Thanks everyone for your comments.

Brakes on Base Explorer

I appreciate your comment about protection of the brakes. Im also wondering, from a visual standpoint, if the brake assembly on the Base is the same as the Xlt or Ltd. Eg: if I put the 20" wheels on the Base, more of the brake assembly would be exposed visually. Since the Base usually comes with steel wheels covering the brakes, I wonder if brakes use different parts. Have you ever seen a Base model with its wheels off? (personal question I know)

I don't think they are that bad. Besides, up here in the Winter, those wheel covers and the 17" steel wheels help shield the brake parts from slush, salt and sand much better than the wide open OEM wheels do.;):thumbsup:

Also make sure that the lugnuts are the proper ones. The OEM lugnuts from the 20" wheel will not hold the 17" covers on. I had to get different ones that had a flange on them so that they would keep the covers on. They ran me around $13 each. Now perhaps going from 17" to 20" there may not be an issue but it is something to be aware of.
Good luck.


I appreciate your comment about protection of the brakes. Im also wondering, from a visual standpoint, if the brake assembly on the Base is the same as the Xlt or Ltd. Eg: if I put the 20" wheels on the Base, more of the brake assembly would be exposed visually. Since the Base usually comes with steel wheels covering the brakes, I wonder if brakes use different parts. Have you ever seen a Base model with its wheels off? (personal question I know)
Hi Ben. I believe the brakes are the same on all models except the Sport which has slightly larger ones. You are correct that the Base steel wheels seem to cover more of the brake parts when you look at the wheel.
I don't know if it really makes that much of a difference since you will always get splashing of one kind or another that will no doubt work its way onto the brakes. Here you can see the difference between my OEM 20" and Winter 17" wheels.



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Thanks for the pictures. That helps me see what the brakes look like thru the spokes

IIRC Base models along with XLT's and Limited's that are equipped with the tow pkg have springs with stiffer rates as compared with those without the tow pkg. I drove both XLT's with the 18" wheels with and without tow and the non tow version felt a tad bit smoother with less rebound jounce over bumps.

Can you confirm the Sport model, with Tow/without Tow package....is there any difference in spring rates?
The sport already has a stiffer suspension as it is.

Sorry I cannot confirm that! The Sport sits a tad lower than the rest and that would explain the stiffer rates.
