2013 Explorer ignition broke!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Explorer ignition broke!!!


New Member
July 9, 2006
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City, State
Houston, Baton Rouge
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mountaineer
So my parents just bought a 2013 Explorer XLT and in less then two weeks of owning it. The ignition went out. They went to start it, stuck the key in. Wouldn't turn. Moved the steering wheel, held the brake down. Nothing. Wouldn't budge. Had to get it towed to the dealership.

Dealership didn't give any fuss and thought it was just the key, but they replaced the entire ignition system.
Works fine for now.

Just giving you guys a heads up in case this happens.


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So my parents just bought a 2013 Explorer XLT and in less then two weeks of owning it. The ignition went out. They went to start it, stuck the key in. Wouldn't turn. Moved the steering wheel, held the brake down. Nothing. Wouldn't budge. Had to get it towed to the dealership.

Dealership didn't give any fuss and thought it was just the key, but they replaced the entire ignition system.
Works fine for now.

Just giving you guys a heads up in case this happens.

Hi Steven. Thanks for the post. I don't recall seeing this issue come up before. Were you able to use the same key or did you have to get a new one?


As far as I know. They are using the same Keys

Same happened to me... I put graphite in, and eventually got the key to turn. Took to the dealer the next day, and they (and I) haven't been able to duplicate it again.

The 2013 does not have the wheel lock (like every other car does).

It's been about a month now, and hasn't happened again.

...Dealership didn't give any fuss and thought it was just the key, but they replaced the entire ignition system.
Works fine for now...

Great news, Steven! Thanks for sharing your outcome. :)

...It's been about a month now, and hasn't happened again.

Let me know if it happens again, Ted22, and I'll check out some options to help.

