2023 Automatic Parking Brake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2023 Automatic Parking Brake


November 30, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Wausau, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Explorer Limited
I have a late 2023 Limited and the default Automatic Parking Brake is a PITA. Any way to turn this off?

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No there isn't. That was Fords fix for the bolt they deleted.

I have a late 2023 Limited and the default Automatic Parking Brake is a PITA. Any way to turn this off?
It seems that Ford only kept this feature on the Explorer. I have a 2023 Aviator and it doesn't have it. However, I have manually engaged the parking brake to simulate what the Explorer has and don't see an issue with it. If you don't wish to manually release the brake, simply put the vehicle in gear and drive off. I've done that several times and it works effortlessly.
BTW, there already is an existing thread on the topic; Electric Parking Brake automatically engages when shifted to park


It seems that Ford only kept this feature on the Explorer. I have a 2023 Aviator and it doesn't have it. However, I have manually engaged the parking brake to simulate what the Explorer has and don't see an issue with it. If you don't wish to manually release the brake, simply put the vehicle in gear and drive off. I've done that several times and it works effortlessly.
BTW, there already is an existing thread on the topic; Electric Parking Brake automatically engages when shifted to park

Over half of my parking is done on a flat surface. To me, applying the parking brake every time the transmission is shifted into Park is unnecessary extra wear and tear. If Ford can't build a transmission with a parking pawl to hold it on a flat surface it begs the question on the durability of the entire transmission.

Over half of my parking is done on a flat surface. To me, applying the parking brake every time the transmission is shifted into Park is unnecessary extra wear and tear. If Ford can't build a transmission with a parking pawl to hold it on a flat surfacecou it begs the question on the durability of the entire transmission.
The issue isn't the transmission. It is if the bolt holding the rear end shears off. That could allow the vehicle to roll away.

Over half of my parking is done on a flat surface. To me, applying the parking brake every time the transmission is shifted into Park is unnecessary extra wear and tear. If Ford can't build a transmission with a parking pawl to hold it on a flat surface it begs the question on the durability of the entire transmission.
There are more threads on the topic.

