2023 Ford Explorer XLT won't shift out of Park | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2023 Ford Explorer XLT won't shift out of Park


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January 7, 2024
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Readfield, ME
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2023 Explorer XLT
Brand new 2023 Ford Explorer XLT (3 weeks old and 460 miles on the clock) and won't shift out of Park. No DTC's, no error messages on the productivity screen, nothing. Car starts and runs perfectly, everything is working perfectly, absolutely nothing wrong with the car except when I step on the brake and attempt to turn the dial to anything other than park and it doesn't budge! The only way I can get the car out of park is to do the manual park release in the console and boy do the messages show up then! The car will drive, though. Put the manual park release back into its normal position and the messages all disappear, but the car is once again stuck in Park.

Any ideas????

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Brand new 2023 Ford Explorer XLT (3 weeks old and 460 miles on the clock) and won't shift out of Park. No DTC's, no error messages on the productivity screen, nothing. Car starts and runs perfectly, everything is working perfectly, absolutely nothing wrong with the car except when I step on the brake and attempt to turn the dial to anything other than park and it doesn't budge! The only way I can get the car out of park is to do the manual park release in the console and boy do the messages show up then! The car will drive, though. Put the manual park release back into its normal position and the messages all disappear, but the car is once again stuck in Park.

Any ideas????
Great to hear the quality has improved since 2019! Early adopter here with a slew of issues since then.

Great to hear the quality has improved since 2019! Early adopter here with a slew of issues since then.
Have to admit, the wife and I are wondering just how big of a mistake did we make buying this car........

Have to admit, the wife and I are wondering just how big of a mistake did we make buying this car........
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I agree with HacksawMark. Don't mess around with it. Have the dealer check it out.


Maybe something with the proximity key?
I found out when I took my wife's Expedition for an inspection that it won't allow shifting out of Park if the key is not detected.

Do you have 2 keys? Try the 2nd, with the 1st out of range & see if there is any difference in behavior.

FIXED - So, apparently, I did *something* wrong when I used FORScan to change a few things in the car on Saturday. Things like turning off the rear bulb check so the hyperflash would turn off with the new LED bulbs I put in, turning off the 2 horn blasts if you get out of the car with the key in your pocket, etc. So today I had FORScan download the "as built" configurations for the IPAM and BdyCM modules, wrote them both, and now the car shifts just fine. Then, as a test, I changed the settings for the horn and hyperflash again and still no problems. So, it appears I did something incorrectly on Saturday that I didn't repeat today. I still have other things I want to change, but I'll wait a little bit before I attempt it again.

Thanks for the replies, guys. Much appreciated!

FIXED - So, apparently, I did *something* wrong when I used FORScan to change a few things in the car on Saturday. .....................................
Maybe you should have mentioned that in the initial post. If you did take it in, it would not have been covered under warranty since it was modified.


Maybe you should have mentioned that in the initial post. If you did take it in, it would not have been covered under warranty since it was modified.

Agreed. That said, I didn't change anything that I thought would keep the car from shifting out of park. Today's action was a last-ditch hail-Mary effort before calling the service department. I now think it wasn't what I changed, but perhaps the way I made the changes (which was the same way I've seen dozens of other folks use FORScan in YouTube videos, which I watched so I could build my knowledge before attempting it myself). Today I wrote one changed setting, shut down the car, disconnected FORSCan from the car, then reconnect for the next change. That didn't kill the ability to shift from park, so that's the way I will use FORScan from now on.

Being honest, that should have been the whole post. I made changes in forscan regardless of what you changed, and now the transmission won't shift.

The message right away would have been to revert back to the non-modified data and try again.

Tough to give good advice without the right information.

Nothing to do with build quality or a dealer warranty repair, which the title and initial description make it appear.

FIXED - So, apparently, I did *something* wrong when I used FORScan to change a few things in the car on Saturday. Things like turning off the rear bulb check so the hyperflash would turn off with the new LED bulbs I put in, turning off the 2 horn blasts if you get out of the car with the key in your pocket, etc. So today I had FORScan download the "as built" configurations for the IPAM and BdyCM modules, wrote them both, and now the car shifts just fine. Then, as a test, I changed the settings for the horn and hyperflash again and still no problems. So, it appears I did something incorrectly on Saturday that I didn't repeat today. I still have other things I want to change, but I'll wait a little bit before I attempt it again.

Thanks for the replies, guys. Much appreciated!
That hasn't effected me any and I've had it off around 6 months after getting my vehicle hmm strange.

Which vehicle?

Oh sorry 2020 fusion sel lots of parts similar to 6th gen. Also i turned it off in my dad's 2020 ranger as well no problems. Just spitting my 2 cents into probably not with also a bunch of people turning that off. Just thought this maybe my issue lol. Nope.

Agreed. That said, I didn't change anything that I thought would keep the car from shifting out of park. Today's action was a last-ditch hail-Mary effort before calling the service department. I now think it wasn't what I changed, but perhaps the way I made the changes (which was the same way I've seen dozens of other folks use FORScan in YouTube videos, which I watched so I could build my knowledge before attempting it myself). Today I wrote one changed setting, shut down the car, disconnected FORSCan from the car, then reconnect for the next change. That didn't kill the ability to shift from park, so that's the way I will use FORScan from now on.
Be interested to see how ford addresses it in the Monthly vehicle report.

Please share with us.
