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22" chrome wheels

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I agree with Robb. Dead Link Removed

go for 24s! show those escalades who's boss!

Find a set of 22s with a 5x4.5 bolt pattern, check back with me, then I'll give you my opinion.

24's are way too big... they won't fit... i wanted 23's but those won't fit either.... 22's are the biggest i can get.. i found a set of giovanna's that will be about $3500 with tires.... next month i'll prolly buy them, not sure if i want 20's or 22's yet so keep on with the opinion. thanks guys

defintely 20's. Unless you want it to ride like complete crap. 22's will allow no bigger than a rubber band tire, making the ride quite harsh. you will most likely rub also. Plus, it will probably loook too big. If you ask me, huge rims like 24", 22", 26" whatever is a fad. A couple years from now, something else will be hip, and these insanely oversized rims will be out of style. Having a 22" rims will hurt your handling, performance, and your wallet. Go for the 20's, you get a better selection of rims that way too.

Just make sure it doesnt come out like this...

i was only kidding about the 24s, i've never seen and x on 22s.

I sure hope u made those "44s" in photoshop!

DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had the money, I would be all over it..I would be lifted with 22s..:rolleyes: :D

If you want that big, go with 20's, I have a friend with 23's on his Escalade and it's harsh as hell - he just bent a rim 2 weeks ago. He has 23" Giovanna Attacks.

20's are still a little to excessive on an Ex, but if you want that bling bling look don't go bigger than 20's. Another friend has 20" KMC Stealths on his 01' Sport and it is very harsh, plus 20's are heavy and you can feel the slower difference in acceleration compared to the 18''s he had on before. His sport looks like it's straight out of a cartoon with 20's, way to big on a sport.

Originally posted by 98FordX24
Just make sure it doesnt come out like this...

**notice, it still has a trailer hitch!

20's are heavy and you can feel the slower difference in acceleration compared to the 18''s he had on before.

I was suprised when I compared my aluminum 17x9's with a 255/60 to my stock aluminum 15x7 wheels and 235/75 tires... the 17's were so much lighter.

i'd def say go with the 22s. i've got 20s and they arent big enough

hey scotty. i am your neighbor in cville. if you get them, send me a pm. I would like to see them. you still have the little bit of lift with the tt right? i think 20's would be nice, but you may surprise me with the 22's. Also do you go to apsu?

personally, i would go no bigger than a 20. it really depends on the look you're after. if you want "baller", then go for it. but if you want it to look good, go with NO BIGGER than a 20. you have to size the wheel to the truck, and while 18's look small on a Tahoe/Expedition, they look great on an X. same for 20's. i would rather have more tire, and would go with some nice 18's, but i have seen 20's look good a time or two on explo's.

94 matt... 22's goes on within a month although i'm debating to get 20's instead.... that;s why i'm asking yall , 'im still pricing thme though so let me know on styles... thanks...BTW, i'm at CHS (senior) but my ole lady is at APSU

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i agree with james, 18's are perfect on an explorer. On 02's there is enough difference in size for the 20's not to look baller-ish or flashy. But if thats what you want, go for it. Gotta be careful though, you have little sidewall on 20" rims on an explorer, let alone 22's. Hit a bump you don't see at nightime and you might crack or bend a rim.

My friend is out about a $1000 for 1 Giovanna 23" Attack rim that he cracked on his Escalade.
