235 85 16s | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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235 85 16s


Well-Known Member
June 13, 2018
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City, State
Nelson, BC. Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer 4dr 4x4 XLT
So I got some 235 85 16s and I am waiting on Parts for a 2" lift.

If I was to install the tires now without the lift how much rubbing would there be and about where?

Or would it be best to just wait. I am currently running on my 245 75 16 winter tires.

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I have being told that 31x10.5 is the biggest that we can go without lifting, that tire is 31.7x9.3, that is very close, probably wouldn't rub too much. Your current tires are 30.5", so the are 1.2 inches bigger.

Throw them on and see how they fit; can’t hurt. Will at least show you how much room you have with them before the lift. If there’s no rubbing, then you know you definitely shouldn’t have any rubbing once you install the lift.

If they rub at all though , stick your winter tires back on.

Those are pretty big. I’d wait. No sense in chewing things up because you are impatient.

I'm running 265/75-16 on my 93, stock, sagging suspension & the only rub I get is on the sway bar at full lock in reverse. I have 31/10.50-15 on my 94 with sagging suspension & no rubbing. I plan to have two 1st gen Explorers with 315/75-16 on them by the end of summer.

The nice thing about 16's is I can get them used on Craigslist frequently. I say try em, they look great & you won't regret going to 16" rims.

Edit: I said I have 235/85-16.....should have said 265/75-16 for anyone who read the un-edited post.


They fit with very minor rubbing on anti sway bar at full lock. Tha kfully the mud on the bumper and inner fender liners are untouched. Lol




"You can never win OR lose if you don't run the race"
They look good!

Well they were $80 tires sooo lol

Go out and hit a few bumps and dips at medium speed for a real test if they rub, if you haven’t already.
Most probable spot to rub is back corners of the front fenders.

seems to just be a bit on anti sway bar and the driver fender liner.

So it's been a week and I'm going to go back to 245 75 16s lol

The 85's just suck the power and make it an absolute slug lol
