31" Tires...Which ones are the best??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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31" Tires...Which ones are the best???

I just ordered the 2" Warrior Lift Shackles for my '97 Explorer Sport, and i'm lookin for some well priced 31" tires. I'm still running factory 16" rims, which i intend to keep. Right now i'm lookin at the BFG All-Terrain T-A, i don't want to go with the mud terrain because i'm goin to college next year and still want something highway worthy. Any Suggestions???

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I suggest either the BFG AT like you already mentioned, or the ProComp XTerrain. The XTerrain is more aggressive and directional, but behaves very well on the road. Not as good treatwear as the BFG AT though. Oh, and I dunno if the 31" PC XT comes in a 16" rim size, might need to get 15" rims to run it.

Originally posted by Alec
Oh, and I dunno if the 31" PC XT comes in a 16" rim size, might need to get 15" rims to run it.

it doesn't.

If you want 31's.. look at 265/70-16 instead of float sizing. That is basically a 31x10.50 and a 265/75-16 is a 32x10.50. Most people have been able to run the 265/75-16 with the TT/War or AAL with little or no rubbing. This will be the size I get for my '99 Sport. Sounds like if there is rubbing, it'll be on a little tupperware which is easily rememdied. I think I might buy the Yoko Geolander AT + II when I get new tires. The reviews say that it has the same grip as a BFG AT KO, but better road manners. I haven't been able to get much info on the Yoko's on this site b/c everyone is so BFG loyal. (Also, www.tirerack.com has the Yoko's for $89 wherein the BFG's are $159 ~ hey, i'm in college, sounds good to me!)

i would get a 31 made of rubber, those are the best!

try the 31' kumho venture mt
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I also like the BFT A/T's. I have a set on a Bronco, and they run good in rain, snow, off-road, and pavement. They are a little more expensive than some others, but you get what you pay for. They are popular for the same reasons Explorers are: they may not excell in one particular area, but they do everything well.:D

General Grabbers came on my Sport, but when they wear out, I'm going with BFG's.

Bridgestone Deuller A/T. Love em, work well in all conditions. Have a nice warranty of 50,000 with prorating options in the 3rd and 4th year. Scored a smidgen less than the Revo and BFG A/T but for the price and mileage warranty these are very good. Heck now that I think of it my brother, father and I all have this tire.

I hear that the Deuller A/T Revo is nice as well though more costly.

Keep in mind that you will be paying a nice premium for BFGs. Not much of a warranty and no waranty for mileage.

Yoko. Geolander AT+II's. Great all around tire.

