4x4 Not Engaging... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 Not Engaging...


May 22, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Falmouth, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 awd 5.0
1994 ford explorer xlt
auto hubs

I have read most of the threads on this problem, and also had a 1991 ford explorer i had to replace the shift motor on... but this is a new one for me, when i turn the key on i see the lights on the 4x4 switch blink so i assume the switch has power, but when i press 4high i do not get any clicking noise at all from the rear 4x4 controller, at the controller when i press the test switch i get a solid red indicator, any thoughts?


I dont know if this will help, but I replaces the plastic 4x4 covers on the front wheels that engage the 4x4 and it works now.

Sounds like shift motor.Check by checking for power to the motor.But it could also be the switch so thats why I say check for power to the motor in 4 high and low.If you got them down to the connector at the shift motor.......then you know the problem.If no power then trace back to the switch.
