5r55s Slams into reverse and drive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5r55s Slams into reverse and drive

February 2, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Quakertown PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04' Mounty
2004 mountaineer 4.0, 97,000 miles
In the past few days the transmission has been slamming into reverse and drive, i have checked resistances on the solenoids and every other sensor in the transmission, everything was spot on. No codes.
Transmission shifts great otherwise
Even though the solenoids checked out resistance wise, can they still be bad?
Or maybe a valve body?

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Even though the solenoids checked out resistance wise, can they still be bad?

Yes, very much so. Of the many I have seen go bad, most of them still pass electrical testing. It could be the solenoid block. It is unfortunately also one of the telltale signs of a dying torque converter, too. The valvebody is possible, but nowhere near as likely.

Actually determined the issue to be the transfer case, as it decided to grenade the other night. I will post my findings once I tear into it.

Actually determined the issue to be the transfer case, as it decided to grenade the other night. I will post my findings once I tear into it.

Huh, weird. I am guessing you have one with the full-time AWD?

Yup, its coming out tonight, hopefully disassembly at work tomorrow with pictures to follow.

Well, not what i expected. the trans output shaft and transfer case input shafts are stripped. a ton of rust powder came out when removed. First I have heard of this issue.




Well, not what i expected. the trans output shaft and transfer case input shafts are stripped. a ton of rust powder came out when removed. First I have heard of this issue.

Wow, that is wild. At least you caught it before something catastrophic happened!

I know this is an old thread but how hard is to change that output shaft from the transmission?
