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5th Gen Explorer Photo Thread

Thanks, the black paint has the wonderful flakes in them that makes it stand out from the other black cars out there especially when it's freshly detailed!
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Nice looking Sport. Also very refreshing to see a post not about exhaust fumes or carbon monoxide gases.


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Now featuring Livernois tuning!...

So how do you like it? My 2014 with 70k miles runs better then ever.

So how do you like it? My 2014 with 70k miles runs better then ever.
Love it!!! It's an XLT, so it will never be a true beast, but the tune made driving a LOT more fun. Yet, it retains a level of civility that comes in handy for when the wife is with me.

Thanks, the black paint has the wonderful flakes in them that makes it stand out from the other black cars out there especially when it's freshly detailed!

Yup, those are glass flecks from one place in Japan that supplied Ford's paint supplier. Then after the earthquake a few years ago they became very hard to source so Ford decided Shadow Black was the new black with no glass fleck requirement.


Love it!!! It's an XLT, so it will never be a true beast, but the tune made driving a LOT more fun. Yet, it retains a level of civility that comes in handy for when the wife is with me.
I have two driving styles.
1. wife in car
2. wife not in car

Brings me to a funny story. Me and a new Land Rover Sport at a red light. Me alone Land Rover Sport Man and wife. We both punch it at the green me pulling away I look over and see the wife yelling at the guy and him slowing down. Bye Bye!!!


It’s not letting me link my pic to imgur like last time. Don’t know what’s wrong. I’ll fix it when I get to my laptop.

@sawood711 - I fixed it for you. The "image" button in the toolbar makes it easy :)

Thanks! And I did click the image button in the toolbar and inserted my link like I did earlier, but I guess it didn’t like me lol.

Thanks! And I did click the image button in the toolbar and inserted my link like I did earlier, but I guess it didn’t like me lol.
Hmmm...not sure why it worked for me and not you.

Cool pic, BTW. Everyone parking together...but at a safe, respectable distance - lol

There is if you click the link in his post.
There was no link when I looked as you can see in his quote included in my post. It was added later.:)

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